Friday 31 December 2021


Submitted January 01, 2022 at 09:24AM by Shermannatior


Submitted January 01, 2022 at 07:46AM by YTB_Ferrari16


Submitted January 01, 2022 at 06:30AM by YanMedoza


Submitted January 01, 2022 at 03:36AM by dasautolunettes


I'm back

yet again with another reccomendation from my post

which I made into a thread

It's the AMG GT black series and it is a highly track focused supercar which is very similar to a gt3 car

An epic supercar of 2020

Hope you enjoy and upvote :)


The hostile front render

The hostile rear render

The hostile in jailbreak




blender render with nishita sky




spoiler on car

spoiler on car birds eye view


spoiler wireframe

Submitted December 31, 2021 at 09:10PM by PCCREATIONS


DLC based around a movie industry business feat. Michael De Santa.

  1. The story: Michael after the story mode continued his movie career and got into some trouble with some triads and needs your help. Michael would like to make a film that will be a parody movies from 80s and needs actors, equipment, props, vehicles and a special character.
  2. New business will look similar to the agency, but with some choices depending on vehicles, props, etc, used in the movie. There will be also some side missions depicting a stuntman role in the movies.
  3. A special character in this dlc would be Phil Collins. Why him?
  • R* already did some stuff with him in GTA VC: Stories
  • He's a well known 80s drummer/singer
  • In the mission Father/Son Michael in the beggining cutscene listens to Phil Collin's song "I don't care anymore" that means that Michael knows and likes Phil Collins and will be impressed to make a movie with him in it
  1. Other new content:
  • Standard 17 new vechicles: 4 sports classics, 2 supercars, 1 boat, 1 jet, 2 SUVs, 2 sedans, 1 compact and 4 sports cars
  • Some new clothes
  • Some new tattoos
  • And much more (not really)

Submitted December 31, 2021 at 08:37PM by KewinerX_GameS


Submitted December 31, 2021 at 06:10PM by Doraari

Thursday 30 December 2021


I was driving around earlier and saw a blue dot in a parking garage underneath the Arcadius Center. It turns out it was a Progen Emerus. I was expecting a mission to trigger, but nothing happened. I want to know if anyone else had this happen to them.

Submitted December 31, 2021 at 11:44AM by youretookind


Hi! I'm not sure where to ask so if anyone knows a more appropriate subreddit, please let me know

My boyfriend's birthday is coming up and I wanted to do something really special. He (21, From Germany) absolutely loves cars, and I remember reading a while ago about a reddit couple who rented a supercar in Germany to drive around. I wanted to see if this would be possible to set up for my partner given his age and covid considerations. I'm in America though and my German isn't good enough to read some of the websites I found. Does anyone know if this would be possible?

Submitted December 31, 2021 at 07:34AM by Imconfusedlikealways


Submitted December 31, 2021 at 06:04AM by sgonefan


Submitted December 30, 2021 at 08:11PM by Nascarfan1118192095


Submitted December 30, 2021 at 06:37PM by Master-Seenu-8305


And now about serious things. Do you guys like Sin City Metaverse?

I was carried away by this particular game. Sale of land will take place today. I intend to take part. I think this is a lucrative business. Everyone writes about this game. and it is really very addictive.

I love that all NFTs can move from area to area. Also a protocol that allows NFTs to be passed between chains and also allows switching between meta universes.

So I'm buying land today. Heard that the next major release will be their NFT marketplace, which will sell 3D avatars and related collectibles. This will also include rideable supercars, and various other in-game tools will also be sold on this marketplace.

Submitted December 30, 2021 at 05:40PM by Immediate-Internet45


u/BlueFishcake's bubble, I'm just popping it.

Regular English will remain in "text", Shil'vati will be written as =text=. Just a minor heads up.

Edition II: Blue Grail

Anthony gingerly buttoned his suit jacket before sliding his hands down his torso to smooth everything out. He pulled out a minimalist silver butterfly knife that shimmered in the artificial light before he opened it and made sure his short beard was as well groomed as he was going to get it. He cleaned the knife, closed it and slipped it back into a pocket on the inside of his jacket. He took a deep shaky breath, both hands planted firmly on the counter as he shot a steely eyed glare at his reflection, his yellow irises smoldering.

"Qalvin, do another analysis of camera feeds around the bar, tell me every little detail. Now." His eyes darted around the bathroom one last time, and he paused in front of the door, clenching his fists briefly, before taking a deep breath and stepping through the door.

"Running..." Qalvin started. "Nothing new, again... Just night owls, a couple patrol pods, and a bunch of fancy pants weirdos. You're starting to overthink it again, Anthony." He said. He was right, and the two of them both knew it.

"I know, I know…” Anthony said in a strained voice as he pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes, seemingly trying to push the feeling out of his skull. He walked quickly to the dining hall, where the rest of the Brights were prepping a small cake that Qalvin had baked.

It's all in your head.

Anthony approached the group, easily spotting the few concerned looks that fell in his direction. He took a deep breath, shutting his eyes briefly, before finally joining them.

The cake looked positively mouth-watering. A rich chocolate and fudge cake, just the right size to cut six slices, with sprinkles of extra delight covering the top. The rich smell wafted outwards, softly tickling his nose with the promise of delight, even from under the plastic covering. It was a great distraction… until one of the bunch decided to break the ice.

"At the risk of sounding like a broken record, please don't worry," said Jameson as he placed both hands firmly on Anthony's shoulders.

Almost immediately, Anthony’s fists unclenched, his palms dried, and his feverish heartbeat calmed. He always found that his father’s smooth voice worked to calm him from his restless bouts of stress and anxiety. He stood straight and still as his orderly subconscious took over.

"You're thinking about it as if they already know everything about us. We're not celebrities. None of them ever see where we go.” Jameson gave a shrug. “I doubt they even know our names."

"Tonight, we're just a handful of best friends on a night out to celebrate a birthday.” Oliver added in a reassuring tone. “If anyone asks, that's all we say."

Anthony nodded slightly, taking a shaky breath before looking back up, a tiny smile trying as hard as it can to force the corners of his lips up.

"Very well." He said simply, breathing easier.

“Then let's get this show in the air! I'm itching for a decent drink!" Exclaimed Oliver, who was now walking hastily ahead of the group. With a grin, Anthony grabbed the cake, and everyone followed.

They entered the hangar, where a sleek looking jet was waiting for them, big enough to quite comfortably fit the four of them. Various moving parts of the ship shifted opened and closed as they ran physical diagnostics like clockwork. On the belly of the plane was a noticeable bump, housing their land-based vehicle. On the top left section of the craft, in bold text, read ‘E-II Coin Toss’.

They entered through an open hatch on the top, and situated themselves, after which Arthur pressed a button that started the engines and closed the hatch in one fluid motion.

The gate to the hangar opened, a low mechanical hum echoing within and without the aircraft. Within a couple seconds, the familiar feeling of lifting off the ground made itself known, accompanied by a soft rumble and a sound reminiscent of a charging up sequence.

Then the jet accelerated, exiting the hangar as the giant concrete doors crawled shut. The group swayed, inertia dragging them backwards, but within seconds they adjusted and the jet flew smoothly at cruising altitude.

The intercom system came to life, a familiar voice breaking through the silence.

"Cruising altitude achieved, ATC and satellite indicate minimal airborne threat, plotting emergency evasive course. Cloaking activated. Smooth sailing from here boys." Chimed Qalvin in his ever jovial voice.

Now, the only thing between the Brights and a great time was 7000 kilometers and some light turbulence. Thankfully, a combination of intense Uno and traveling at just under mach five helped pass the time.

Well, that and some very meaningful conversations about how one or the other was too stupid to see the basic logic as to why they should be able to stack a plus two or four, despite the rule book explicitly saying that you couldn't. If you listened hard enough, you could've almost heard the yelling from outside of the ship's hull.

"ETA is less than five minutes, running last minute detail scans," announced Qalvin. "All clear, setting the mood." He added, before playing I Gotta Feeling by The Black Eyed Peas. After a fantastic few minutes of dancing passionately in their seats, the four men felt the aircraft jerk as it descended from cruising altitude, slowing down considerably. They were now heading for their chosen city's limits.

Once the jet reached optimal altitude, it unlatched the attached vehicle, and then rose again so that it wasn't hovering less than a meter off the ground. Once it was high enough, there was an audible disconnection in the cab and explosive boost from the engines as the exterior flipped a hundred and eighty degrees. The thrusters deactivated for a second, before reactivating on what was now the new bottom. The seats remained independent and level with the ground, and now the opening that was previously above, was now below, making a perfect jump hatch.

The Brights unbuckled and hopped down the maybe seven meters or so, landing next to what was now visibly a supercar. A modified four-seater, and exclusively electric, evident by the ferocious whirring as the vehicle activated. The four men moved to enter the vehicle, Arthur and Oliver sitting in the back while Jameson and Anthony sat in front. Once everyone was settled, seatbelts be damned, Jameson started the car and zoomed off along the barely paved road. Within minutes the roads got better in quality, and the buildings became denser and larger. A mile or two longer at an unfortunately much slower speed brought them directly to their destination.

With the vehicle secured, they eagerly made their way towards the entrance, each sharing a grin of varying excitement

As they entered, the first thing Anthony noticed was the all too familiar lustful ogling and obvious curiosity from the few Shil'vati patrons. Although it appeared that in an establishment as esteemed as this one they were much more modest and restrained, something he could be grateful for.

The four made their way to a corner table further within the establishment. Much to Arthur's delight, the place was not only a bar, but a five star restaurant as well. He made a mental note to plan on making more appearances here. It would be a waste not to.

Each of the men neatly pulled back a chair, and sat. Anthony quickly noticed an attached omnipad on the table, which seemed to be programmed to take orders. Anthony, ever the avid engineer, could never resist marveling at technology, even though he'd seen it so many times before.

"Alright, who wants what?" Anthony asked as the group quickly traversed the familiar menu.

Within minutes, waitresses appeared, approaching the table with their orders of food and drink. Arthur was thoroughly impressed. He only saw fit that they receive tips of no less than 2000 credits each. What could he say? It was the eve of his birthday and he loved spreading good nature to the amazons.

What he got in return however, was what made his expense just that much more worth it. From the table he and the others could see the waitresses lock up in shock, some wide eyed with their jaws about to drop to the floor, eliciting a jovial laugh from the table of men.

Once the humor died down, the Brights wasted no time in voraciously devouring their entrées with shining silver utensils. Unlike the others, Arthur showed no signs of slowing down until he popped the last morsel into his mouth. Once he was finished, he neatly cleaned the corners of his mouth with a cloth napkin, the others mimicking his actions. The four then went about neatly collecting and setting the plates, napkins, and utensils around the center of the table, taking extra care to not create unnecessary mess.

With that done, Anthony returned to the omnipad, ordering each of the men three blue grails and a shot of their finest whiskey. Over the next forty five minutes of telling jokes, stories, laughing and discussing any idea that came to mind, the four happily nursed their beverages.

"So," Began Anthony, slowly sliding the cake onto the table. "Tomorrow marks Arthur's 118th birthday. Tell me Arthur, where were you one century ago right now?"

"One hundred years ago.. shit, I remember I was up north with family for holidays and winter break. Somewhere around New York. It was astonishingly different from now, but still all of the hustle and bustle. Back then it was me and my parents visiting my grandparents." Arthur recalled.

"I also had a certain sweetheart named Alice waiting for me back in Oklahoma." He added with a nostalgic grin.

"I know this question is too damn overused but did you ever think you'd be somewhere like here in the future." Asked Oliver.

"If I was told that I'd live another hundred years and see the Earth invaded by seven foot tall eggplants, I would've had you sent to an asylum. A concept such as that would seem quite literally alien." Arthur said.

"Well, ‘only thing left to do is invent time travel and actually ask you." Anthony said humorously, slicing the cake into four equal pieces.

"Gonna have to wait another hundred years for that." Said Oliver.

"To another hundred years then!" Arthur cheered as he raised his shot glass.

"To another hundred years!" The group cheered after, raising their glasses before toasting and downing the alcohol.

Once the toast was done, Anthony distributed each slice of the cake on some porcelain plates that he brought and handed each of the four a metal fork.

"Qalvin poured his heart and soul into this, he wanted me to ask you if you enjoyed it." Anthony said as he took a scoop at his slice and slid it into his jaws.

"I could smell it the whole car ride here, tell him he outdid himself." Arthur said with a grin as he scooped up a slide of his own.

"Now, an eighteenth birthday that I will never, ever, forget, is Jameson's." Arthur started with a knowing grin.

Jameson's eyes widened and he flushed slightly as he recalled the events himself.

"So, it was summer of 1991, and at the time I was living in Virginia. Speaking of which, I want to go there again some time.” Arthur stared into the amber liquid in his shotglass, a faraway look in his eyes. “Anyway, I had been living there to get away from things for a while. I always found forests relaxing.

"I was sitting inside, listening to the radio and carving some wood to cure boredom, when I heard a car approaching. So I go outside and there's Jameson parking in front of the porch. He jumps out and slams the door and he comes running up to me and goes-"Arthur put his hands together and leaned down slightly in a mock begging gesture. "Grandpa! Grandpa! Please! There's this really cute girl and I don't know what to say to her and I need your help!" Arthur said, just barely stifling an uproarious laughing fit.

"Eric was busy in an art gallery in New York, and Jameson couldn't think of any better teacher than the greatest romantic hotshot in human history, so he drove the whole six hundred miles from Boston to Richmond." Arthur added with a grin that rivaled the Sun's light.

"So I took him inside, gave him a beer and a couple words of advice, and that is how he managed to woo Lucille." Arthur finished.

"So you mean to tell me that that man," Oliver pointed to Jameson. "Was a nervous soy-boy?"

"Soy-boy, no. Indescribably nervous? Yes." Arthur replied. "Perhaps that's where Anthony got it from." He added, eliciting a lighthearted glare from the man in question.

Jameson crossed his arms, putting on a serious face while trying to hide his crimson embarrassment. "I'll have you know, my charm has improved significantly over the past thirty years."

"It appears you've improved a little too much, we've got company." Arthur said in a bit quieter of a voice as he locked eyes with an approaching amazon. She approached assertively, her white silk dress shone in the dim light while the dark colors of her surroundings while her royal purple skin blended almost imperceptibly with the surroundings.

Anthony felt himself tense up slightly, though he relaxed as he internally repeated what Jameson had told him. He couldn't shake the mild feeling of discomfort however, as the woman stopped and placed a hand on the corner of his chair.

=Good evening, gentlemen.= She said.

=Good evening, miss..?= Arthur asked with a polite smile.

=Li’nera.= The woman smiled proudly.

=Li’nera, to what do we owe the pleasure?= Arthur said with a charismatic smile as he leaned back in his chair.

=Admittedly, the smell of your dessert drew my attention,= The woman began. =But the moment I laid eyes upon your beautiful features, I simply couldn't resist offering you a drink.= She said with a confident, toothy grin, not so subtly eyeing the birthday boy. He stared back with equal intensity, watching her golden irises dance slightly in the pitchblack voids of her eyes.

Arthur's charismatic grin turned into a smirk, his eyes squinting mischievously as if contemplating something.

Anthony put on a mask of bravery before he broke the standoff.

"Oh dear, the Chick Magnet strikes again." Anthony said sarcastically with a cheeky smirk of his own, a couple of the Brights responded with light chuckles.

"He's not the only chick magnet at this table." She quipped teasingly, tossing a wink towards Anthony.

Mask shattered, he let a noticeable blush cover his face. He hadn't expected her to speak English. He did, however, have enough class to put a hand on his chest and bow in a "why thank you" gesture.

=I believe my mother raised me well enough to know how rude it is to reject a woman's gift.= Arthur said, his charismatic grin reappearing as he stood up from his chair and pushed it in.

=Excellent.= Li’nera said, her grin growing wider as she began making her back to her table. Arthur followed, ignoring the few envious looks the two received.

Once the pair arrived at their table, Li’nera pulled a chair out for him, which he graciously accepted. She then took a seat opposite of him and ordered two drinks.

=I must say I'm thoroughly flattered. I don't believe I've been regarded so overtly in quite some time.= Arthur spoke, breaking the ice.

=A man such as yourself? Impossible.= She commented. =You must have women flocking everywhere you go.=

=I admit I could see the appeal but frankly that simply isn't true. I prefer to live a much more reserved lifestyle. When necessary, of course.= Arthur replied.

=Very well, a respectable choice. I too have enjoyed my fair share of modesty.= Li’nera said. =Say, I don't believe I caught your name.=

=Ares.= Replied Arthur.

=Air-ees.. Isn't that the name of one of your mythological gods?= She inquired.

=Indeed it is.= Arthur said.

=Is that your birth name or a preferred alias?= She asked, only a bit confused.

=Preferred alias, though I wouldn't doubt its accuracy as a birth name.= Answered Arthur.

=Do you possess a need to conceal your name? Or do you do it for... 'kicks'?= She inquired, with a hint of suspicion.

Arthur gave an easy shrug. =I'm not avoiding the question, but I can't help but notice your mannerisms, and a certain lovely scent that lingers around you. I've only ever noticed it around members of the Interior. If it's not any trouble with me asking, would you happen to be an... agent?= Arthur said, more out of genuine curiosity than anything else.

Li’nera squinted for a moment, tilting her head slightly before relaxing. =Yes, I am, and I commend your deductive skills.= She said in a neutral, if not mildly surprised tone.

Arthur gave a small nod. =Then I do hope a woman of your profession can understand the need for anonymity every so often.= He said in a questioning tone.

The woman gave an equally small nod.

=If you wish, you could say it's 'for kicks'. An enjoyable sort of game that me and my friends adopted. Not too dissimilar to a masquerade party amongst ourselves.= He explained casually.

She appeared to accept the explanation, but Arthur could never be too sure. He was content to drop the subject if she was however. At that moment, the waitress with their drinks arrived. Two tall glasses of red grain.

=Aeugh, red grain, you heathen.= He said humorously with a wide grin.

=I'm going to ignore that villainous insult.= She said with a grin of her own. =I thought you said your mother taught you manners towards women.=

=And you would be correct. I wouldn't be caught dead refusing a free drink from a gorgeous lady such as yourself.= He said sincerely.

She did a terrific job at suppressing the small embarrassed blush that tried to make its way onto her face as she subtly turned away. Instead, a content smile appeared at the compliment. =Very well, you are forgiven.=

=I will be forever grateful for your amnesty, Li’nera.= He said in a half humorous half thankful voice as he took another sip of his drink. It wasn't the taste that drew him away, but his simple bias towards the color blue. He chuckled internally at the thought.

=However shall I repay you for your kindness and generosity?= Arthur asked, in a not quite serious tone.

=I can think of a number of ways,= Li’nera said with a mischievous grin. =But such advances would be incredibly forward, even for your species.=

He let out a knowing chuckle. =I have no experience with your species' standards but I would have to agree. Personally, I'm the type who so very much loves a good wine and dine.= He said as he took another good sip.

=If we ever happen to cross paths again, however, I certainly wouldn't refuse. Unfortunately, tonight is beginning to run a bit into the later hours.= Arthur finished with a hint of sadness in his voice.

=Very unfortunate indeed, I was just beginning to get acclimated to your company.= She said with a smirk.

=As was I, but all good things must come to an end.= Arthur rose from his seat and moved a step or two towards Li’nera. The woman stood up as well, and Arthur planted a firm peck on her cheek.

=I do hope we have a more optimal opportunity to get to know one another in the future.= He said earnestly as he began to leave her table and return to his. She watched him the whole way, and made a small chuckle when he quietly said something that elicited a cheer for the other five gentlemen.

"Boys, the night has grown old enough, let us head home." Said Arthur as he moved to his side and began neatly organizing his used plates, glasses, and utensils on the table.

Anthony collected their paper plates and steel forks, putting them where the cake once was and reattaching the plastic lid. Arthur swiped his chit along the built in omnipad, completing the transaction.

“I'm getting a bad feeling from her.” Said Oliver with uncertainty.

“While your suspicions are never unfounded, Oliver, I'll need a better opportunity to talk with her.”

“Don't let your guard down.” Oliver finished.

“Not planning to.” Arthur responded, following the other three men to the exit, and shooting Agent Li’nera one more glance as he walked through the door.

Behold, Edition II.

I will deliver a little more, at a little higher quality in the future.


P.S. I am learning, and sometimes it feels like my brain is trying to tear itself apart. A very odd feeling I must say. The thicken will plot, and the improve will quality. Trust. Plz.

Submitted December 30, 2021 at 04:13PM by Mother-Internal8992


The description of this deal was not provided by this subreddit and its contributors.

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Submitted December 30, 2021 at 02:59PM by SuperHotUKDeals

Wednesday 29 December 2021


Submitted December 30, 2021 at 04:12AM by dasautolunettes


This is the best road racing series in the world IMO, but there’s no broadcast rights in the US that I know of. I enjoy watching highlights or old races in YT. But I’d like to watch the full races as the season progresses.

Whats going to be the best way to watch and follow news etc (podcasts etc) for this coming season from the states? I usually don’t watch any races live so I rely on DVR or VODs within a few hours or a day or so.

I also enjoy insights from podcasts like Door Bumper Clear and This Week in INDYCAR by Marshall Pruett. Are there any entertaining / informative v8 supercar podcasts along those lines?

Submitted December 30, 2021 at 12:49AM by aframe9999


I would like all of your opinions/answers on which websites or apps are the best to keep track of a various variety of different motorsports ie; F1 F2 V8 Supercars, Moto GP DTM, Euro, Karting etc etc

I’m sure this post has already been posted time and time again, but I have only just found the sub Reddit and the other posts I have seen are outdated

Submitted December 29, 2021 at 03:16PM by H0rr0r5c0p3

Tuesday 28 December 2021


No one missed me, I was weird,but I'm back, and I've got a poll!

View Poll

Submitted December 29, 2021 at 11:57AM by NorthCar267


Part 1

Part 2

Max and I devised a plan in an attempt to catch Jaime red-handed. We were going keep a close eye on him all day long, and when he finally decided he was done selling his drawings for the day, we were going to follow him home on Max’s car.

The stage was set, Max and I were positioned on the roof of his surf shop with a pair of binoculars in hand. And sure enough, there was Jaime. He was lounging on a foldable chair inside of his ever so charming blue tent, with his “paintings” on display like they were the lost work of DaVinci, oh, and a really noticeable smell of marihuana emanating from a sloppily rolled joint in his left hand.

I swear to god that if you look up the word “douchebag” on the English dictionary, the first thing you’d see would be a picture of this guy.

I really can’t understand why he was still there, it was 5:08 p.m and by the look of it, every potential client of his already left the beach, plus, it’s not like anybody in their right mind would pay the ridiculous price that he charges for a piece of his “art”. Maybe he doesn’t arrive at the beach so early, and leave so late to sell his drawings. Maybe he does it to scout his victims, to get close to vulnerable people without them suspecting anything. Maybe that’s how he got to my Sophia…

I was lost in my thoughts when a firm tap on my shoulder brought me back to my senses, Max pointed towards the tent as he quickly jumped from the rooftop and unlocked his car:

-Dude, look! He’s leaving! Hurry the hell up or we’re lose him.-

I quickly followed behind him and got into the passenger seat as fast as I could. As soon as I closed the car door, Max started driving almost recklessly, trying to keep eyes on Jaime’s white van. We managed to get behind him without causing any suspicion, but I could tell Max and I felt equally as confused when instead of turning right, away from the bay area and towards where the trailer home he told Hoffmann about would be, he took a left towards the wealthier side of our town. We followed close behind as the white van made its way into an old garage, just outside of Springfield, the neighborhood home to the most luxurious vacation homes and most stunning apartment complexes. We waited outside of the garage for about 5 minutes when suddenly, Jaime drove out of the garage in a insanely over the top, red sports-car. It looked like something straight out of a Grand Theft Auto game. Max let out an audible gasp of pure shock, I instead stayed silent for a while as we followed that ridiculously expensive car:

-Holy shit! How much do you think that thing is worth?!- I said.

-I don’t even know man, like a couple million at least. But the real question is, how the fuck did he pay for that?- Max replied while confusedly shaking his head.

-Maybe he stole it, I don’t know. There’s no way he paid for it, I mean I’ve never seen anyone buy his shitty paintings.- I said, that’s the only possible explanation I could think of. Max let out a soft chuckle at my reply.

-Dude, Alex, you’re such a gullible little goofball. Haha, I mean it’s obvious this whole “painter” thing is complete bullshit. This guy doesn’t live in a trailer home, and he most definitely doesn’t make a living out of selling paintings on the beach. He’s hiding something, and we’re gonna find out exactly what it is.-

-But that doesn’t make any sense. If you were a millionaire, why the hell would you pretend to be a junkie, surely it would be the other way around, right?- I said.

-Well, maybe he doesn’t want people to know that he’s a millionaire.- Max replied.

-But why? If I was a millionaire, I would be delighted if people knew. Why would anyone not want to take credit for that?- I confusedly stated.

-That’s exactly what we’re here to find out.- Max confidently replied.

Earlier that day, before my friend and I decided to go our investigation, I got a text message from Hoffman. It read:

“Hello Alex, I should tell you what I’ve been up-to since our last interaction. I’ve decided that in order to eliminate all doubts regarding mr. Watkins’ supposed encounter with your wife, I had to investigate Malu Island. So I did, and I discovered absolutely nothing that could connect mr. Watkins to the disappearance of your wife. Although, on second thought, I think it would be convenient if you took a look for yourself. Perhaps the two of us should travel there tomorrow morning and give the island another sweep. But to be honest with you, personally, I reckon that the supposed encounter never even took place, or at least in the day that mr. Watkins described it to me.”

Then another text message after it:

“I can’t describe how uncomfortable this individual makes me. I have a really, really bad feeling about him. I’ll pick you up at your house tomorrow morning, just after I pay our little friend another visit. I’ll see you tomorrow Alex, take care of yourself.”

The red supercar finally stopped, pulling into the driveway of a home I could only describe as surreal. Imagine the kind of property that The Wolf Of Wall-street would own if he never got caught by the FBI, and times that by ten. Jaime calmly stepped out of the luxury vehicle and watched as two muscular men dressed in tuxedos greeted him, and one of them proceded to park the car in the home’s private garage. All Max and I could do was watch in disbelief as the scene before us unfolded.

The home had a meticulously designed security system, it was no joke. There were cameras everywhere, at least twenty other unnecessarily jacked security guards dressed in tuxedos, a massive electrified gate about fifteen feet tall and of course, because why not? there was a fucking sniper of the mansion’s rooftop. It looked like a supervillain’s hideout straight out of a video-game.

After analyzing our situation, Max and I quickly figured out that our options were quite limited, we only had two actually; Option A. Go home, or, Option B. Die. Since we’re not (completely) out of our mind, we decided to choose the first option and leave the investigative work to a professional, like our friend Detective Mark Hoffmann for example. We drove back to the surf shop and said our goodbyes for the day with a bittersweet feeling. We basically made no progress towards finding Sophia, and we’re losing valuable time that in this particular situation could be the difference between life and death. But hey, at least we didn’t attempt to break into a deranged billionaire’s home!

When I finally got home, the loneliness hit me harder than it ever did. My wife has been missing for more than two days now, and so far all I’ve done about it is find out that she met up with a billionaire pretending to be a loser. She could be dead right now, or maybe she’s still alive and in desperate need of some help. And yet here I am, at home… alone… doing absolutely nothing to help her. I tried to change that by calling Hoffmann and explaining everything Max and I saw in excruciating detail, I also sent him some photos I took of Jaime’s car and his house. To my surprise, Hoffmann seemed quite unbothered by this, he assured me that he’ll get something valuable out of Jaime tomorrow morning, and wished me a good night. I’m ready to do something about it, I’m ready to step up for Sophia. Tomorrow, Hoffmann and I will investigate Malu Island and I swear on Sophia’s name that I will not go home empty-handed. I will find something that can allow Hoffmann to legally search Jaime’s home and then it’s over, she’ll be right there, alive and ready to finally come home with me.

I miss her so much.

I actually woke up at a reasonable time for once. It was 7:30 a.m and I was ready to finally do something meaningful. I had called Hoffmann the night before, I asked him to be present for his second interrogation with Jaime. I wanted to analyze everything about his demeanor, any signs of guilt in his body language or matter of speech, I was going to notice. Hoffmann knocked on my door, and we decisively made our way into his black SUV. This made me reminisce about the time he interrogated Casey, the anxiousness and uneasy feeling was exactly the same. I was excited to find out more about Sophia’s disappearance, but absolutely terrified about what exactly I could find out. Hoffman broke the silence:

-Right Alex, same thing as before. We will use the same wireless microphone technology we did last time, and the rules are still the same, yeah? If I’m being honest, I have no idea what I’ll be able to get out of Jaime, so please, keep a cool head. This could go extremely well or terribly wrong, but whatever happens just stay here and do not leave the vehicle for any reason. Understood?-

-Yes, thank you Detective.- I said.

We pulled up to the beach and Hoffmann parked his SUV in a position that would give me a clear line of sight to the tent, but keep the vehicle from raising any suspicion. Hoffmann handed me the same “tape recorder thing” as before, and gave me a pat on the shoulder as he stepped out of his car. I think up to that point, I had never been so nervous.

-Oh wow, look who decided to show up! My good old pal Sherlock Holmes! I missed you buddy, what have you been up-to lately?- Jaime said with a infuriating grin on his face.

-The show is over Watkins. I now have conclusive evidence of your little side-job, or side-life I should say. And I imagine you wouldn’t like it too much if that got out, would you? You’d probably lose a few clients if that happened.-

Jaime literally burst out laughing. How can someone be so relaxed when there’s a trained detective interrogating them?

-Man, you crack me up Mark. You’re one hilarious dude, I’ll give you that. I just wish you were as good of a detective as you are a clown.-

-You’re facing multiple charges that could lead to more than sixty years in prison. Make that a life sentence in a few days when I connect you to the Atkinson murder. How exactly is that “hilarious” to you?- Hoffmann shot back.

He’s calling it a murder now? God. I really, really hope this is just a scare tactic. I can’t even grasp the thought of my wife being murdered.

-Murder now big-shot? Ha! You don’t even have a body, asshole. I literally own the police force Mark, I’m perfectly aware of all the little tactics scum like you use to get people to incriminate themselves. You’re pathetic.- Jaime replied, that disgusting smirk on his face still intact.

-Well, what’d ya’ know… at least I tried.- Hoffmann said while reaching into his belt.

He took out his handgun and fired a bullet into Jaime’s foot. Holy shit! This is insane.

-Agh! Motherfucker!- Jaime screamed out in pain, but his agony quickly turned into… laughter? This can’t be. The guy literally just got shot at, and he somehow finds this… funny?

-And so, the plot thickens. Ha! Did you have fun on your little field trip, Mark?- Jaime was now in a full-on fit of laughter. There is something seriously wrong with him.

-You sent me to Malu Island to find nothing, how funny.- Hoffmann cocked his gun and aimed it at Jaime’s foot once again.

-You wasted my time, so I thought it’d waste some of yours.- Jaime said, still laughing hysterically.

Hoffmann then fired another shot into Jaime’s foot, this time around, there was apparently no pain at all. In fact, it actually seemed to make Jaime laugh even harder.

-Tell me what really happened to her or your head is next!- Hoffmann said with the weapon still firmly in hand.

-What really happened to her, okay. What really happened to her is that I took her to my house and fucked her brains out. She begged me to stay, but I kicked her out as soon as I was done with her. Then after that she probably killed herself when she realized she had to back to Alex Davis.- Jaime’s fit of laughter got louder and more obnoxious with every word that came out of his mouth.

I officially lost my mind when he said that. I didn’t care anymore, I was gonna get out of the car, walk up to the scene, take Hoffmann’s gun away from him and put a bullet through Jaime’s skull. I was in the middle of unbuckling my seatbelt to do just that, when Jaime spoke again.

-This is priceless Mark! If only you could see the look on your face. This play just keeps on getting better and better, and perhaps it’s time for the final curtain. But it seems like all of the actors are yet to arrive.- Jaime actually stopped laughing, his demeanor took a sharp turn into something… a lot more menacing than infuriating.

-You know exactly who I’m talking about. That idiot you call your client, sitting in your car like a coward, listing to me right now. Come out to play, Alex.-

I wanted to go, and I most definitely would have done so if I didn’t notice that Jaime had some kind of assault rifle hidden under one of his paintings. So instead I stayed in the car, like a coward. At this point I hated myself more than I hated Jaime.

Hoffmann noticed it too, and he carefully walked back to the car, still facing Jaime, with the firearm in hand. He got in, and we drove away. That somehow went even worse than anything I could’ve imagined.

-Well goddamnit, now we’re dealing with an actual criminal. I told you this guy is bad news, Alex. I had that weird feeling about him since day one.-

-Hey, let’s waste no time. Let’s go to Malu.- I quickly replied.

And that’s what we did.

As soon as Hoffmann and I stepped out of the boat, we immediately started scouring every little corner of Malu Island, not just the places that Jaime mentioned like Hoffmann did last time. Every bar, restaurant, shop and public area we went to, trying to discover any clues that could lead us to the truth. Our efforts were seemingly worthless until… until we decided to investigate that old, rusted well located on the most desolate area of the island.

I really wish we didn’t do that, but I’m also, in a way, glad we did. My sanity could not handle a single additional ounce of uncertainty, so discovering the truth, as absolutely heartbreaking as it was, felt oddly rewarding.

We opened the well and our eyes met with nothing but a pit of darkness, however the smell was a completely different story. The well emanated a pungent odor, the scent of rotting flesh and solidified blood. When Hoffmann lit his flashlight to reveal the source of such a disgusting smell, I threw up in my mouth. My eyes stared in disbelief and my chest sunk like never before. What we discovered was…

Sophia’s corpse, staring back at us with those lifeless eyes. To this day, that sight makes me stay up at night. I can’t get that image out my head, the way her mouth froze open, and her hands rested stiff on what used to be her thighs. In that moment, I couldn’t do nothing more than just stand there, too numb to even react. I felt the urge scream or cry but my body just didn’t respond. Hoffmann and I just froze there, I can’t even tell you for how long, time just didn’t feel real in that moment, nothing about that situation seemed real to me, it was a terrible nightmare that I couldn’t wake up from. This was and still is without a doubt the worst day of my life, and I can predict with almost complete certainty that it will stay that way until I die.

Jaime Watkins, if by any chance you happen to be reading this entry, let me just tell you that the murder case coming your way should be the least of your worries. If you’re unlucky enough to run into me one day, I swear that I will put you through the most amount of pain the human body can handle, and I don’t give a shit if we’re in public. I will tear the flesh of your bones and rip apart every single one of your organs, one by one. You took my life away from me, you took the only thing I had, and fucking took her away from me! I swear to god that one day, I will do the same. I don’t care how much I have to sacrifice, I will go to any and all lengths to destroy you and everything you have, even if it costs me my life. Take this as a friendly warning. If you value your life, the best thing you can do is just plead guilty and hide in a prison cell like the dirty rat you are, for the rest of your miserable existence. But even that won’t help you. I will find you, and I will make you pay for what you did to me.

Submitted December 29, 2021 at 11:49AM by Nickrtfmburner


I'm sure this has been asked before but how does the lisence progression work? I am on my D lisence and have achieved a safety rating of 3.4 and have completed enough races. Do I rank up at the end of the season? Just curious as I'm keen to enter the supercars championship but I'm happy to wait :)

Submitted December 29, 2021 at 10:25AM by lambchop6341


Like yeah, supercars are fine, but i feel like we have more than enough generic 2010s supercars in the game. The ‘80s, ‘70s, ‘60s, and ‘50s just feel severely underrepresented to me personally.

Submitted December 29, 2021 at 09:40AM by Despacito211248


Submitted December 29, 2021 at 06:34AM by smart-redditor-123


Submitted December 28, 2021 at 06:59PM by Severe-Case6453


With more and more Metaverse and NFT hype rolling out by the day, I wanted to share this with more people. It hasn't had many eyes yet.


I've said it for a while.

GameStop are making their own metagame universe and all their partners are invited.

My guess of what's happening is a metagame universe as a social platform where you can shop for anything like in Ready Player 1. You buy it there and the physical version arrives at your house, tied to NFT so you can wear it in the metaverse too.

That place to hang out becomes the login portal for games or watching VR things with friends or desktop games etc.. or a blockchain based stock market made by Loopring.


Instead of logging on Facebook to see what your friends are up to. Or Steam to invite a friend to play a game.

You open a "game" on your computer that's a universe where you and your friends walk around to socialize and catch up. If you find a game you like you all hop in that portal inside the universe and it logs you in. Your ID is tied to the character you logged in as kind of thing.

Now you tie NFT cosmetics to it and you can wear or drive cool shit around the universe (or games that support it) and even gamble the NFTs if that's your thing (CSGO knives anyone.) Or even blockchain based real estate in the universe.

It's the entire economy inside the Digital world, that is tied to physical items through blockchain and NFTs

These guys just said they are actually doing at least something with that, mentioned metaverse specifically. and since that image now accept LRC to buy stuff at GameStop.

Gamestop are partnered with everyone, Nintendo, Sega, Funko, and Microsoft, even esports, Pokémon, and whatever they can interact with on a card table like nft Legos or Magic the Gathering/Hasboro and Atari NFT casinos that you can drive your Lambo to, even your own bank with L2 tech, and make that the place that everyone socializes.


It now competes with Facebook, Steam, Tencent(QQ client), Amazon/Fry's, and clothing/retail, traditional banking and Wall Street, and you use your physical stores as login portals for those without computers.


Why else would Nintendo need this job in Texas

Nintendo has been releasing emulators that should also be usable in a metaverse if programmed correctly, it should be very easy to buy say... a digital Gameboy and play all those emulators while waiting for friends to log online to play... have that save state tied to blockchain/NFT ID and you can launch the same game save on the Nintendo network on your switch.


So many companies have these hints

When we think of SEGA, we think of its evolution from a pioneer in the video game market to one of the most prominent video game developers and publishers ever! Globally, SEGA has over 5,000 employees passionately working to bring the best gaming entertainment to players around the planet. We have one of, if not the richest, portfolio of original IPs – something we are very proud of and excited about as the market continues to change.

New streaming technologies and shifts in the retail landscape are well poised for what will be the most disruptive and innovative time in our industry. Our IP strategy positions us well for this, and we are enthusiastic about the future!

There’s never been a more exciting time in the company’s history to join SEGA!

Sega's second-quarter financial results landed earlier today with plenty of good news for investors. Revenue and operating income for the owners of Sonic the Hedgehog are up, and Sega is now floating the notion that it's going to build future revenue from--you guessed it--non-fungible tokens (NFTs).


My bet is the initial versions will look something similar to RuneScape3 (which is entirely browser based) combined with fortnite art style to attract that crowd.

Then they evolve with web3 technology from there until it looks like ready player 1 eventually and it's all social, shopping, playing physical games together, logging into other games, going to the bank... whatever you need to do.. show off your in game achievements with the NFT cosmetic they awarded you. Go flex that server first mythic kill in WoW on your metaverse friends.



I think the initial avatars will be Funkos (if not more).. They keep tweeting these things out and Funko has technology to turn in game achievements into NFTs and physical rewards.

Funko Digital Pop! will be available to purchase through the WAX platform using your WAX account and a credit card.

What is WAX?

WAX (Worldwide Asset Exchange™) is a leading decentralized video game and entertainment network. The WAX blockchain is a safe and convenient way to buy, sell, and trade virtual items.

WAX NFTs can be purchased in the initial drop using a credit card. Purchases must be made using a WAX wallet which is an account created on the WAX blockchain that will hold your Digital Pop! after a successful purchase occurs. The WAX wallet allows you to see your NFT inventory and interact in the WAX marketplace to buy, sell, or trade NFTs.


How do I redeem my Digital Pop! for a physical Pop!?

120 days after each series of Digital Pop!™ drops, each WAX account with a qualifying Digital Pop! will receive a Redemption Coin deposited into their wallet. (Psst… A Redemption Coin is a redeemable NFT that represents a collection achievement).

The Redemption Coin NFT will be deposited into the account of the current owner of the Digital Pop! on the applicable date, not the original buyer. If you sell or trade a redeemable Digital Pop!, the Redemption Coin NFT will be deposited into the wallet of whoever holds the Digital Pop! on the 120th day.

Only one (1) Redemption Coin will be issued per redeemable Digital Pop!

Once a Redemption Coin is deposited into your account, you will have 30 days to redeem for your physical Pop! Redeeming a Redemption Coin "burns" the coin and it will no longer be in your wallet.

Redeemed physical Pops! will be shipped and delivered for free to all U.S. customers. International shipping fees may apply to global orders where available. Some restrictions may apply. U.S. shipping is expected to be fulfilled within 30 days after the NFT series redemption deadline.


Then you gotta call in Ja Rule to tie it to blockchain and (not joking) for collectibles tied to a physical item with a chip for easy on boarding into the metaverse via a chip scanner.

BCN: How did you get involved with the Flipkick market concept?

Ja Rule: Man, is such a great idea. So as I got into NFTs I noticed a dope project and the whole angle was something different, which I really loved. The angle of taking physical works of art and authenticating them in a similar way NFTs are authenticated on the blockchain but with a chip. We have a patent pending on our technology, and when I say ours it’s because I’m part of the company.

It’s just a smart thing to be able to authenticate physical artworks cryptographically and let these amazing artists be able to enjoy the fruits of their work and it was never possible before in the past. So I really applaud what Flipkick is as far as the physical NFT space.

This is the tech his NFT company patented. Sounds useful for say... physical products with a chip tied to NFT/metaverses


And this

Lambo clearly knows what's up too


OK now go look at GameStop's job description again


GameStop unveils publishing label GameTrust


GameStop has more than 7,000 retail stores for selling games, but it’s also diversified into publishing games under its GameTrust label.

Instead of competing head-on with game publishers, GameStop is going after games that might otherwise not get published or noticed. It is targeting titles from seasoned independent developers whose games could sell for $15 to $40, rather than the $60 triple-A games.


GameTrust has some interesting tidbits on their site.

GameTrust's collaborative planning approach delivers greater discoverability, by leveraging leading-edge physical & digital ecosystems, backed by the reach of the world’s leading video game retailer. We focus on the business, so you can focus on making a great game.


Here's their partners on top of more info


If you look at the last partner on there, their recent title is this (Creativerse)

Which just so happens to look a lot like a metaverse already -


Then they're partnered with Tequila Works which is making a League of Legends game

Who has already made VR games with GameTrust -


Then you've got FrozenByte who already has a space MMO with Interactive environments -


Oh they're also partnered with the guys who made Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart among other games -


Insomniac games is now part of Sony

Today we announced that Insomniac has a new home as we join the Worldwide Studios family at Sony Interactive Entertainment. It feels more like a homecoming though.  We’ve collaborated with Sony for more than 20 years — spanning all four PlayStation consoles, 20 total games and six franchises. We still work closely today with many of the same Sony teammates as we did when we released the original Spyro the Dragon in 1998.

The decision to join forces with Sony extends far beyond familiarity. Our studio vision is to create experiences that have a positive and lasting impact on people’s lives. As we look ahead to our future, we know that joining the WWS family gives us the best opportunities to fully achieve that vision on a much larger scale. Further, we believe that Sony shares a similar vision to positively impact players’ lives, their employees’ lives and the games industry at large.


These are listed as partners of Nintendo on their switch/marketplace announcement goal of all 3rd party games.


GameStop owns Elbo

Here's some trademarks by Elbo this year

Controllers for game consoles in the nature of game controllers for computer games; game controllers for use with electronic computer games; apparatus for electronic games other than those adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; apparatus for games adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; computer games apparatus, namely, game controllers for computer games; computer game apparatus adapted for use with an..

Interactive electronic video gaming chairs and beanbag style gaming chairs optimized to increase performance in video games

Power to the players


TA:DR; GameStop owns a game publisher with the goal of:

Instead of competing head-on with game publishers, GameStop is going after games that might otherwise not get published or noticed. It is targeting titles from seasoned independent developers whose games could sell for $15 to $40, rather than the $60 triple-A games.

Gamestop is now launching an NFT marketplace that will support all these new game titles (if they choose to support NFT items)

If they took that metaverse, made it open to mods (3rd party programmable) then at home developers could make entire games (like DOTA: Allstars or CS 1.6) inside the universe too, allowing for a full spectrum ecosystem where at home game designers could program a game in .LUA then find a few artists. Make a game and start selling NFTs from it together.

Everyone makes money, gamers get direct access to games that normally wouldn't get published and there an entire ecosystem of things to do. That's before you start talking about what their partners can bring to spice it up.

Gamestop also owns ELBO which has had this standing patent since early 2000s seems like an interesting reason for someone to want to bankrupt the company, take the patent combine that patent with this one - really though they've held these for a long time

Submitted December 28, 2021 at 08:47PM by Longjumping_College


Introducing the revamped Charge Ray, a brilliant sci-fi vehicle designed and revamped by me!

The Charge Ray is my favorite car I've designed, and I did it long ago so I believe it's time for a revamp. The Charge Ray is an exotic hybrid beast like no other. It is speedy and agile while also being well-adapted for off-roading.

In-game, the Charge Ray doesn't necessarily need to be the fastest car in the game. It could be a contender to the Roadster or the M12 Molten. The Charge Ray would support first-person driving and seats two players. It can also support opening doors. The Charge Ray would cost somewhere around 400,000 to 750,000 cash.

I also 3D printed the Charge Ray on the Anycubic Photon, see the last photo.

I hope everyone enjoys the new Charge Ray and that it gets added to Jailbreak someday!

General View

Rear View

Interior View

Roblox View


3D Printed Charge Ray

Submitted December 28, 2021 at 09:25PM by Ickleon


Submitted December 28, 2021 at 06:30PM by subishayminxx


Submitted December 28, 2021 at 05:41PM by cbvv1992


Many people love a game that has various customization options or many options to modify cars in general. I love it too, but I feel like that could ruin the TDSC experience.

Those things are perfect for games like NFS or Forza Horizon, but I think it doesn't fit the Test Drive franchise.

This might be a controversial opinion but I don't really like the thought of a supercar flying by sounding like an RC car.

Btw don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind a few aftermarket parts if it's not too much.

The developers never mentioned something like that, but this random came to my mind.

What are your opinions about too much customization in TDSC?

Submitted December 28, 2021 at 04:41PM by Whitewolf2504YT


Submitted December 28, 2021 at 03:43PM by terenceh10k

Monday 27 December 2021


Submitted December 28, 2021 at 09:29AM by Maverick1-618


Submitted December 28, 2021 at 05:46AM by sk8erade


Submitted December 27, 2021 at 09:20PM by PoPoeKid


Disclaimer - I'm not a car aficionado

I have a friend who owns/has owned a bunch of supercars, just your typical stereotypical ones. He says his favorite is the 911 GT3 RS. He says unfortunately, it's the least flashiest one. When you roll up in it, no heads turn, no one even thinks twice. Some pple say "oh you have a porsche, my soccer mom drives a porsche too" He says it's sad/disappointing lol anyone else feel the same way? The typical Ferrari/Lambo/McLaren are the ones that turn heads

Submitted December 27, 2021 at 09:43PM by deejayv2


Submitted December 27, 2021 at 10:16PM by AmazonAnzeige


Submitted December 27, 2021 at 10:16PM by AmazonAnzeige


Submitted December 27, 2021 at 10:18PM by AmazonAnzeige


Submitted December 27, 2021 at 07:04PM by Young-lonzino


Submitted December 27, 2021 at 06:09PM by dj2ca


LiDAR technology is steadily expanding beyond its traditional applications of topography and factory automation into automotive, logistics, and smart infrastructure. According to Yole Développement’s LiDAR for Automotive and Industrial Applications 2021 report, the market for LiDAR in automotive and industrial applications is expected to reach US$5.7 billion in 2026 from US$1.8 billion in 2020, representing a 21% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR).

Founded in 2014, RoboSense is a leading player in this LiDAR revolution with significant activity in new technologies, industrial collaborations, and mass production. Among others, RoboSense has developed a unique scanning technology using a proprietary MEMS LiDAR SoC and is using SiPM for higher sensitivity. RoboSense has also established various collaborations in the automotive industry and for industrial applications. Finally, RoboSense is set to start large-scale mass production of LiDAR, leading to unit cost reduction.

Pierrick Boulay and Alexis Debray from Yole had a chance to discuss with Mark Qiu, co-founder and COO of RoboSense, to learn all the details about the most recent activities of RoboSense.

Pierrick Boulay (PB): Could you please introduce RoboSense?

Mark Qiu (MQ): RoboSense (Suteng Innovation Technology Co., Ltd.) is a world-leading provider of Smart LiDAR Sensor Systems. With a complete portfolio of LiDAR sensors, AI perception, and IC chipsets, RoboSense enhances conventional 3D LiDAR sensors with comprehensive data analysis and interpretation systems. Its mission is to innovate outstanding hardware and AI capabilities to create smart solutions that enable robots, including autonomous vehicles, to have perception capabilities superior to humans.

Founded in 2014, RoboSense is headquartered in Shenzhen, China, and has 5 global branches, including Silicon Valley and the Stuttgart R&D office. As of 2020, it has developed more than 600 patents globally. Its product technology has been widely applied to autonomous and assisted-driving passenger cars, commercial vehicles, automated logistics vehicles, robots, robotaxis, robotrucks, robobusses, new smart transportation infrastructure, and other subdivisions. Among them, the pre-installed fixed-point mass production projects cover supercars, coupes, and SUVs, heavy-duty trucks, and other types of vehicles.

PB: Can you briefly introduce RoboSense’s LiDAR technology?

MQ: RoboSense develops hardware technology and perception software technology, innovatively integrated on a System-on-Chip (SoC) — making its LiDAR system more compact and eliminating mechanical-related failures. This disruptive product subverts the traditional definition of LiDAR as an information collector and transforms it into an intelligent interpreter.

With a market-oriented strategy, RoboSense provides customers with various Smart LiDAR perception system solutions, including MEMS LiDAR, mechanical LiDAR, fusion hardware, and perception software.

Alexis Debray (AD): RoboSense is operating worldwide. We see many projects in many applications related to LiDAR in China. Is there something different about China’s interest in LiDAR compared to other regions?

MQ: The demand for LiDAR in the Chinese market has grown rapidly for applications in automotive, robotic, smart city, and industrial projects. In terms of preference, there are no obvious differences between the Chinese market and other markets in the world. The difference in demand for LiDAR mainly comes from applications in differentiated fields, such as performance and operating conditions in the automotive and industrial fields.

AD: RoboSense is involved in various LiDAR applications, including automotive, smart city, and industrial. What application do you expect to have the most impact on the LiDAR industry in the future?

MQ: As we have seen, each field where LiDAR is applied is a huge market. As various fields gradually begin deploying LiDAR on a large scale, LiDAR products inevitably start appearing in more segments based on the needs of each field.

In the past two years, LiDAR’s mass production has advanced, thanks to the mass production of pre-installed vehicles in the auto industry and the large-scale deployment of autonomous logistics vehicles — two trends that first appeared in the Chinese market.

PB: RoboSense is using and developing different LiDAR technologies (mechanical, MEMS scanner, optical phased array (OPA).

Are these technologies for different applications? What is the roadmap and time-to-market for these technologies?

MQ: RoboSense’s current LiDAR products in the market include a first-generation mechanical LiDAR and second-generation automotive-grade smart solid-state LiDAR (MEMS). These products currently meet the present and near-future market demands.

At present, M1, our second-generation automotive-grade intelligent solid-state RS-LiDAR-M1, has been delivered for mass production projects. We are continuing to upgrade and develop our products based on the MEMS technology platform and plan to introduce two new products with estimated launches in 2022 and 2023.

Looking forward, we are continuing to develop other cutting-edge LiDAR technologies. The roadmap and time-to-market of the next product will be disclosed when technology and market conditions permit.

AD: One key parameter preventing the mass adoption of LiDAR is its cost. What are the main strategies to reduce the cost of LiDAR in the next five years?

MQ: LiDAR applications need to achieve two goals in order to reduce costs: technological breakthroughs, and large-scale mass production.

RoboSense’s second-generation automotive-grade smart solid-state LiDAR M1 is based on two-dimensional MEMS smart chip scanning technology. It is automotive-grade, high-performance, low-cost, and manufacturable — advantages that completely break through the limitations of first-generation mechanical LiDAR as a technological achievement.

In June of this year, M1 was officially mass-produced and delivered to North American luxury new energy car companies, achieving the goal of large-scale mass production.

Therefore, RoboSense has reduced the cost of LiDAR enough to be applied to large-scale projects in automotive and other industries.

PB: How did you choose your MEMS mirror and what were its advantages compared to other devices you tested?

MQ: The MEMS galvanometer used in the RS-LiDAR-M1 is independently developed by RoboSense based on automotive LiDAR requirements, and it fully meets the needs of vehicle-level operations.

The second-generation smart LiDAR architecture based on two-dimensional MEMS galvanometers has clear advantages — a small number of components, a simplified internal structure, and low material and manufacturing costs.

As a MEMS LiDAR model, the RS-LiDAR-M1 has already earned a large number of fixed-point orders from auto companies for its advantages of high performance, low cost, vehicle-class stability, and small size. Also unique to M1 is its “GAZE” function, which dynamically adjusts the LiDAR resolution or refresh rate based on different automated driving scenarios.

AD: You are using SiPMs as receivers in your LiDAR. Could you explain why you have chosen SiPMs and not APDs or SPADs?

MQ: SiPM is a new type of receiver, which improves APD sensitivity by ten to the third power, effectively improving LiDAR’s ranging ability. SiPMs can avoid the problems SPADs incur due to crosstalk: snow-like noise will appear when encountering strong light, and overexposure can cause blindness.

PB: RoboSense recently partnered with Webasto to integrate a LiDAR in a smart roof module (HERE). When would you expect OEMs to implement such types of modules in their car? What use case would be enabled by this LiDAR position?

MQ: The cooperation between RoboSense and Webasto focuses on providing a more compact LiDAR deployment solution for OEMs. In fact, OEMs have already released mass-production solutions for deploying LiDAR on the vehicle’s roof, such as SAIC IM L7 and WM ET7.

Compared to deploying on the air intake grille, deploying LiDAR on the roof means fewer obstructions near the front of the car, a wider view, and avoiding the impact of dirt and sand.

AD: Is there anything else you would like to add?

MQ: The era of mass-produced LiDAR has arrived, marking the tipping point for its large-scale application. RoboSense’s second-generation automotive-grade smart solid-state LiDAR — the RS-LiDAR-M1 based on two-dimensional MEMS smart chip scanning technology — achieved automotive-grade mass-production orders and delivery in June 2021 to North American new energy car companies in large quantities. RoboSense also has two fixed-point project SOPs this year.


Mark Qiu is the co-founder and COO of RoboSense responsible for the company’s strategic management and business operations. He brings extensive experience and insights into sensors, the automotive industry, and autonomous driving to the company.

As a serial entrepreneur, Qiu’s career spans sales, marketing, and operations, covering fields such as consulting management and the Internet. He has been included in the Forbes Asia 2018 30 Under 30 List, Forbes China 2018 30 Under 30 List, and Hurun 30 Under 30 Entrepreneur Leaders in 2019.

Prior to RoboSense, Qiu worked in renowned management consulting companies such as Ogilvy China and Bozhong Enterprise Management Consulting. He has a long history of providing marketing consulting services to Chinese enterprises, leveraging his enriched understanding of business management.


Alexis Debray, Ph.D., is a Senior Analyst at Yole Développement (Yole), dedicated to the production of technology & market reports and custom consulting projects in the fields of Photonics, Sensing, and Semiconductors.

Before joining Yole, Alexis spent 17 years in Japan. He worked for 2 years developing expertise in MEMS technologies and then for 15 years at Canon Inc. as a research engineer, where he contributed to numerous developmental projects focused on MEMS devices, lingual prehension, and terahertz imaging devices.

Alexis is the author of various scientific publications and patents. He graduated from ENSICAEN (France) and was awarded a Ph.D. in applied acoustics.

Pierrick Boulay is a Senior Technology & Market Analyst in the Photonics and Sensing Division at Yole Développement (Yole).

Pierrick works in the fields of Solid-State Lighting and Lighting Systems, carrying out technical, economic, and marketing analyses. In addition, he leads the automotive activities within the company.

Pierrick has authored several reports and custom analyses on topics such as automotive lighting, LiDAR, sensing for ADAS vehicles, and VCSELs.

Prior to Yole, Pierrick has worked in several companies where he developed his knowledge of lighting and automotive. In the past, he has mostly worked in R&D departments on LED lighting applications.

Pierrick holds a master’s degree in Electronics (ESEO — Angers, France).

This interview has been developed in collaboration with Sylvain Hallereau, Principal Technology & Cost Analyst System Plus Consulting.

Submitted December 27, 2021 at 01:56PM by RoboSenseLiDAR

Sunday 26 December 2021


Submitted December 27, 2021 at 08:04AM by volfan1983xxx


Supercars and 1 military vehicle they could add:

1.Bmw m5. (Top speed:180-190 mph)

  1. Bmw m8 (top speed: 200-210 mph)

    1. A submarine (top speed: 100-105 mph

4.ferarri 812 superfast ( top speed244 mph

  1. Ferarri f12 berlinetta ( top speed:215 mph

  2. Konisegg 1 to 1 (top speed faster than torpedo)

Civilian vehicles they could add camery odyssey

  1. Ford f450 dually (comes with a trailer to tow cars)

  2. an RV that can hold cars to transport it (which is a motor home aka a driving house) sienna that can have a capacity of 7 seats (hybrid and it can switch between gas and electric having different top speeds)

  1. Toyota highlander (hybrid same as toyota sienna)

Car modifications and more vehicles they should add and driving changes

  1. Cars drift properly and dont flip all over the place

  2. Wide body kits

3.loud exhaust and smoke from exhaust

4.smoke from exhaust pipes

  1. Porsche cayman

6.swat heli that has a mini gun or automatic or manual lazer gun where you pick a target and does damage to the tires

  1. A large military 8x8 that carries guns and has diesel engine sound

  2. Wing mirrors added to all cars

(This took me a while to make this post)

Submitted December 27, 2021 at 06:52AM by Dinoking047


Submitted December 27, 2021 at 04:45AM by dasautolunettes


All these other cryptos say wen lambo. You can't race a house but you can live in it. You can race a lambo and live in it but how comfortably can you do that? Solution?

Houseboat. Capable of racing and living comfortably. Let's be honest with ourselves, its also much crazier to aspire to than just an Italian supercar.

That's why I bought the dip. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

Submitted December 26, 2021 at 08:59PM by Woodland_Fozz


Submitted December 26, 2021 at 01:10PM by James__McAdam

Saturday 25 December 2021


Submitted December 26, 2021 at 10:13AM by soraxia


2021 news:-

Cadbury announced plans to transfer production of its Dairy Milk bars from Germany and other sites across Europe to the UK.

The future of Vauxhall's Ellesmere Port plant was secured with a £100m investment. The site will become Stellantis' first factory dedicated to electric vehicle production for the Vauxhall, Opel, Peugeot and Citroën brands.

British supercar manufacturer Gordon Murray Group announced plans to invest £300m expanding its manufacturing and design operations in the UK.

Airbus officially opened its new £40m Aerospace Integrated Research and Test Centre (AIRTeC) in Filton.

Nissan announced plans to build a new electric vehicle at its Sunderland plant and, in partnership with Envision AESC, open a £450m gigafactory as part of a £1bn investment programme. The expansion will create more than 6,000 British jobs.

Ford announced plans to invest £230m converting its Halewood transmission plant to build power units.

British Steel unveiled a £100m investment programme.

Under construction in Goole, Siemens' new £200m train factory is expected to create 700 direct jobs.

The Hitachi Rail/Alstom joint venture was awarded a £2bn contract to design, build and maintain HS2’s new fleet of trains. The order will create and sustain 2,500 British jobs.

Rolls-Royce officially opened its new £90m Testbed 80 in Derby - the largest facility of its type in the world.

Kraft Heinz announced plans to invest £140m at its Kitt Green plant and start making tomato ketchup and other sauces in the UK for the first time since 1999.

Babcock unveiled its new £31.5m assembly hall at Rosyth and announced plans to create 500 jobs to support its £1.25bn Royal Navy Type 31 frigate programme.

BAE Systems announced it intended to hire 1.250 apprentices and graduates in 2021 – the highest number it has ever recruited in a single year.

Rolls-Royce's small modular reactor (SMR) programme - expected to create 40,000 British jobs - secured almost £500m in funding.

Norton opened its new multi-million factory and global HQ in Solihull.

Aston Martin broke ground on its new £200m F1 factory in Northamptonshire.

The £130m UK Battery Industrialisation Centre (UKBIC) opened in Coventry.

Siemens Gamesa announced plans to invest £186m expanding its wind turbine blade plant in Hull. The investment will more than double the size of the site and create hundreds of new jobs.

Britishvolt secured planning permission for a new £2.6bn gigafactory in Northumberland.

Lotus invested £100m in its UK sites and created hundreds of new jobs.

JCB built a record number of machines, created over 1,350 new jobs, secured a host of major orders and invested £100m developing its award-winning hydrogen engine.

Submitted December 26, 2021 at 07:54AM by Dipdabdoe


Submitted December 26, 2021 at 03:38AM by dasautolunettes


Submitted December 26, 2021 at 01:36AM by Warmersand55646


Regardless of how the rest of the month plays out, remember to stay patient. It's easy to remind yourself to hold when the price dips below your average, it's much harder to keep holding on consecutive green days/weeks/moths. LRC isn't even close to mainstream, to say we're early would be a big understatement. Sure, you'd regret selling for a loss, but I'd argue you'd regret it even more if you sold for a quick buck when there's potential for life changing money in the mid to long term.

That being said, I genuinely hope everyone reaches their goals with their investments. Can't wait to see all the different color Lambos fly by on the highway on our way to the afterparty. I'll probably be running late since my G Wagon won't be as fast as your supercars.

Happy holidays everyone; I hope you’re happy :)

Submitted December 26, 2021 at 12:40AM by 808spaceship


I have seen a few Horizon players (and even some Motorsport players) complaining about the lack of endurance racing in Horizon Festival, let along long-hauling races that can be completed in more than tens of minutes. I get that not everyone like short races, and while there are in-game tools (such as Blueprints) that allows you to do those, they can be buggy in recent releases, and not many people are happy with these kinds of bugs.

As of such, I would like to suggest a new series idea of Horizon Festival, involving entirely around endurance racing on open roads. I like the endurance racing, just very dissatisfied with how they were implemented in recent Motorsport installments.

While Forza Motorsport has endurance racing in single-player career modes, why not Forza Horizon?

It should happen in the future DLCs of FH5, or even the base game of next Horizon, to give the Motorsport endurance players less of a bore in case Turn10 kills off Forza Motorsport series and leaving only the Forza Horizon series.

What is Horizon Endurance Festival?
A series of long-hauling, multiple-lap endurance racing series similar to the endurance races in Forza Motorsport series, only on open roads akin to real-life endurance road racing such as Mille Miglia, Targa Florio, Carrera Panamericana, and even Isle of Man TT.

How can Playground perfect the Horizon Endurance Festival, and the endurance racing formula for Forza Horizon series?
While endurance racing can have more than 10+ laps, it's far from easy. Having gas stations as substitutes for pit stops don't actually solve the problem the Horizon Endurance players face.

Horizon Festival needs to build some actual pit stops depending on geography. A gas station can be used as a pit stop, but it's far from enough capacity to deal with more than certain numbers of cars. Also, a good, long circuit is need for a Horizon Endurance Festival, each per season.

Cars in Horizon Endurance should be divided into different numbers of buckets (categories), much like real-life endurance racing did. They can be randomly arranged, but each car will only compete against others in the same bucket.

In general sense, many endurance racing are tarmac-only, so PG will follow the tarmac-only road-racing formula of them. No dirt and gravel rallying.

The AI opponents should be tweaked to certain levels that would compete with the players at equal levels. Right now, the current AI situation will make Horizon Endurance Festival a broken grind among the many Horizon Festival events.

Be themed. Certain Horizon Endurance event shall restrict to certain vehicle types, and there shall be numbers of total race distance depending on track lengths and such.

How many Horizon Endurance Festivals do we need?
For the Horizon Festival career mode, two or three endurance races per season or play. DLCs shall add more eventually in total. Some endurance races may not held in same time as other, and will disappear after certain rotations.

And as for themes:

  • Mille Miglia-style lapped races, with total races of 1000+-miles spanning more than 20+ laps with less category restrictions.
  • Super Endurance, restrict to supercars, GTs and track toys. 300 miles per race, and spans into tens of laps.
  • Long-Haul Trucks, restrict to SUVs, pickup trucks. More than 250 miles, so tens of laps.
  • Major Micros xxx-Miles: Restrict to small cars such as Peel P50, Subaru 360 and old Mini. Special edition cars like Hot-Wheels Beetle are allowed. If 100-mile races, then 10 laps of 10-mile track, or similar.
  • Vintage Racing Endurance, restrict to classic cars dated 1980 or older. 40 laps of 25-mile tracks, or equivalent of it.

And for these Horizon Endurance Festival races, players can set the race length from Normal, Long to Super Long, with the latter two multiply the number of laps respectively. Nothing shorter than that.

Players can toggle the fuel, tire wear and damage on and off, like in most usual races.

That's it. As of this writing, I have done getting most of these ideas so far. If you have any suggestions, post it below. (And I also wanted to post this after I post it in Forza forums, but I came late.)

Submitted December 25, 2021 at 07:10PM by Not-A-PCMR-person

Friday 24 December 2021


Submitted December 25, 2021 at 09:54AM by Thatsthatandchicken


The year 2021 is drawing to a close. This year cybersport has moved one step closer to being recognised by the IOC to become an Olympic Games programme in the future. Early in 2022, the Asian Games unveiled a list of cyber sports disciplines that have been approved by the Asian Olympic Council.

These games will bring cyber sports even closer to worldwide recognition. It also means that it is only a matter of time before cyber sports become a subject of study in schools, institutes and universities.

It is also generally accepted that cyber sport is more suited to the younger generation. As in traditional sport, it is easier to achieve meaningful results at a young age and, on average, development in this area ends by the age of 27-28 due to 'old age sport'.

But is that really the case? Today we take a look at a few people who, even at an advanced age, have been able to achieve results in the cybersport arena.

The oldest players in eSports

Uwe Lönger is a 61-year-old cyber sportsman from Germany. He may not have won huge sums of money, but he does have some powder in his guts. Uwe loves to spend time in driving simulators, which have online competitions. Unfortunately Uwe is not a high achiever and has only earned $15 in the competition, taking 4th place in the Ferrari Challenge 2018 PRO. But the German player tries not to miss out on all kinds of tournaments in the racing series: V8 Supercars, Nascar, The SCCA, Formula Renault 2.0, The Volksvagen Jetta TDI Cup and Formula Renault 2.0

Chris Bond is 56 years old. One might think that achieving a high score at such an age is impossible. But this American has won the only Decent 3 championship, the grand prize of which was an impressive sum of $50,000.

Lim Yo-hwan is 41 years old. The Korean under the nickname Boxer is very famous in his homeland. He started his career in Starcraft, a strategy game that has been the origin of many disciplines in cybersport. Lim Yo is still the only two-time world cybersports champion (WCG)

Daigo Umehara is 41 years old. Daigo is recognised by the community as the greatest fighter of all time. Despite his age, Daigo continues to play Guilty Gear and Street Fighter at a high level and compete in tournaments. Umehara is the only athlete to have been drawn in manga for his life.

Wiktor Wojtas is 35 years old. The player, known as TaZ, is an old-school CS player and a true legend on the Polish eSports scene. Although the transition to the new CS:GO was not easy for Wiktor, he decided not to give up the game. In 2014 Wojtas joined the team and claimed a resounding victory at ESL Major Series One Katowice 2014.

Zhang Zhicheng is 32 years old. Known as LaNm, Zhang has had a distinguished career in both the major tournaments and The International. Zhang has achieved great results in Dota 2, but due to the fact that he often burned out, he constantly changed positions and teams. He even announced the end of his cyber sports career several times, but always came back. In 2017, when Jicheng had already been the coach of Vici Gaming for a long time, he decided to suddenly return to cybersport as a player. Although he failed to make an epic comeback, Zhang joined Team Aster, where he still plays to this day.

Submitted December 25, 2021 at 10:05AM by Mjolnirir