Thursday 30 December 2021


u/BlueFishcake's bubble, I'm just popping it.

Regular English will remain in "text", Shil'vati will be written as =text=. Just a minor heads up.

Edition II: Blue Grail

Anthony gingerly buttoned his suit jacket before sliding his hands down his torso to smooth everything out. He pulled out a minimalist silver butterfly knife that shimmered in the artificial light before he opened it and made sure his short beard was as well groomed as he was going to get it. He cleaned the knife, closed it and slipped it back into a pocket on the inside of his jacket. He took a deep shaky breath, both hands planted firmly on the counter as he shot a steely eyed glare at his reflection, his yellow irises smoldering.

"Qalvin, do another analysis of camera feeds around the bar, tell me every little detail. Now." His eyes darted around the bathroom one last time, and he paused in front of the door, clenching his fists briefly, before taking a deep breath and stepping through the door.

"Running..." Qalvin started. "Nothing new, again... Just night owls, a couple patrol pods, and a bunch of fancy pants weirdos. You're starting to overthink it again, Anthony." He said. He was right, and the two of them both knew it.

"I know, I know…” Anthony said in a strained voice as he pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes, seemingly trying to push the feeling out of his skull. He walked quickly to the dining hall, where the rest of the Brights were prepping a small cake that Qalvin had baked.

It's all in your head.

Anthony approached the group, easily spotting the few concerned looks that fell in his direction. He took a deep breath, shutting his eyes briefly, before finally joining them.

The cake looked positively mouth-watering. A rich chocolate and fudge cake, just the right size to cut six slices, with sprinkles of extra delight covering the top. The rich smell wafted outwards, softly tickling his nose with the promise of delight, even from under the plastic covering. It was a great distraction… until one of the bunch decided to break the ice.

"At the risk of sounding like a broken record, please don't worry," said Jameson as he placed both hands firmly on Anthony's shoulders.

Almost immediately, Anthony’s fists unclenched, his palms dried, and his feverish heartbeat calmed. He always found that his father’s smooth voice worked to calm him from his restless bouts of stress and anxiety. He stood straight and still as his orderly subconscious took over.

"You're thinking about it as if they already know everything about us. We're not celebrities. None of them ever see where we go.” Jameson gave a shrug. “I doubt they even know our names."

"Tonight, we're just a handful of best friends on a night out to celebrate a birthday.” Oliver added in a reassuring tone. “If anyone asks, that's all we say."

Anthony nodded slightly, taking a shaky breath before looking back up, a tiny smile trying as hard as it can to force the corners of his lips up.

"Very well." He said simply, breathing easier.

“Then let's get this show in the air! I'm itching for a decent drink!" Exclaimed Oliver, who was now walking hastily ahead of the group. With a grin, Anthony grabbed the cake, and everyone followed.

They entered the hangar, where a sleek looking jet was waiting for them, big enough to quite comfortably fit the four of them. Various moving parts of the ship shifted opened and closed as they ran physical diagnostics like clockwork. On the belly of the plane was a noticeable bump, housing their land-based vehicle. On the top left section of the craft, in bold text, read ‘E-II Coin Toss’.

They entered through an open hatch on the top, and situated themselves, after which Arthur pressed a button that started the engines and closed the hatch in one fluid motion.

The gate to the hangar opened, a low mechanical hum echoing within and without the aircraft. Within a couple seconds, the familiar feeling of lifting off the ground made itself known, accompanied by a soft rumble and a sound reminiscent of a charging up sequence.

Then the jet accelerated, exiting the hangar as the giant concrete doors crawled shut. The group swayed, inertia dragging them backwards, but within seconds they adjusted and the jet flew smoothly at cruising altitude.

The intercom system came to life, a familiar voice breaking through the silence.

"Cruising altitude achieved, ATC and satellite indicate minimal airborne threat, plotting emergency evasive course. Cloaking activated. Smooth sailing from here boys." Chimed Qalvin in his ever jovial voice.

Now, the only thing between the Brights and a great time was 7000 kilometers and some light turbulence. Thankfully, a combination of intense Uno and traveling at just under mach five helped pass the time.

Well, that and some very meaningful conversations about how one or the other was too stupid to see the basic logic as to why they should be able to stack a plus two or four, despite the rule book explicitly saying that you couldn't. If you listened hard enough, you could've almost heard the yelling from outside of the ship's hull.

"ETA is less than five minutes, running last minute detail scans," announced Qalvin. "All clear, setting the mood." He added, before playing I Gotta Feeling by The Black Eyed Peas. After a fantastic few minutes of dancing passionately in their seats, the four men felt the aircraft jerk as it descended from cruising altitude, slowing down considerably. They were now heading for their chosen city's limits.

Once the jet reached optimal altitude, it unlatched the attached vehicle, and then rose again so that it wasn't hovering less than a meter off the ground. Once it was high enough, there was an audible disconnection in the cab and explosive boost from the engines as the exterior flipped a hundred and eighty degrees. The thrusters deactivated for a second, before reactivating on what was now the new bottom. The seats remained independent and level with the ground, and now the opening that was previously above, was now below, making a perfect jump hatch.

The Brights unbuckled and hopped down the maybe seven meters or so, landing next to what was now visibly a supercar. A modified four-seater, and exclusively electric, evident by the ferocious whirring as the vehicle activated. The four men moved to enter the vehicle, Arthur and Oliver sitting in the back while Jameson and Anthony sat in front. Once everyone was settled, seatbelts be damned, Jameson started the car and zoomed off along the barely paved road. Within minutes the roads got better in quality, and the buildings became denser and larger. A mile or two longer at an unfortunately much slower speed brought them directly to their destination.

With the vehicle secured, they eagerly made their way towards the entrance, each sharing a grin of varying excitement

As they entered, the first thing Anthony noticed was the all too familiar lustful ogling and obvious curiosity from the few Shil'vati patrons. Although it appeared that in an establishment as esteemed as this one they were much more modest and restrained, something he could be grateful for.

The four made their way to a corner table further within the establishment. Much to Arthur's delight, the place was not only a bar, but a five star restaurant as well. He made a mental note to plan on making more appearances here. It would be a waste not to.

Each of the men neatly pulled back a chair, and sat. Anthony quickly noticed an attached omnipad on the table, which seemed to be programmed to take orders. Anthony, ever the avid engineer, could never resist marveling at technology, even though he'd seen it so many times before.

"Alright, who wants what?" Anthony asked as the group quickly traversed the familiar menu.

Within minutes, waitresses appeared, approaching the table with their orders of food and drink. Arthur was thoroughly impressed. He only saw fit that they receive tips of no less than 2000 credits each. What could he say? It was the eve of his birthday and he loved spreading good nature to the amazons.

What he got in return however, was what made his expense just that much more worth it. From the table he and the others could see the waitresses lock up in shock, some wide eyed with their jaws about to drop to the floor, eliciting a jovial laugh from the table of men.

Once the humor died down, the Brights wasted no time in voraciously devouring their entrées with shining silver utensils. Unlike the others, Arthur showed no signs of slowing down until he popped the last morsel into his mouth. Once he was finished, he neatly cleaned the corners of his mouth with a cloth napkin, the others mimicking his actions. The four then went about neatly collecting and setting the plates, napkins, and utensils around the center of the table, taking extra care to not create unnecessary mess.

With that done, Anthony returned to the omnipad, ordering each of the men three blue grails and a shot of their finest whiskey. Over the next forty five minutes of telling jokes, stories, laughing and discussing any idea that came to mind, the four happily nursed their beverages.

"So," Began Anthony, slowly sliding the cake onto the table. "Tomorrow marks Arthur's 118th birthday. Tell me Arthur, where were you one century ago right now?"

"One hundred years ago.. shit, I remember I was up north with family for holidays and winter break. Somewhere around New York. It was astonishingly different from now, but still all of the hustle and bustle. Back then it was me and my parents visiting my grandparents." Arthur recalled.

"I also had a certain sweetheart named Alice waiting for me back in Oklahoma." He added with a nostalgic grin.

"I know this question is too damn overused but did you ever think you'd be somewhere like here in the future." Asked Oliver.

"If I was told that I'd live another hundred years and see the Earth invaded by seven foot tall eggplants, I would've had you sent to an asylum. A concept such as that would seem quite literally alien." Arthur said.

"Well, ‘only thing left to do is invent time travel and actually ask you." Anthony said humorously, slicing the cake into four equal pieces.

"Gonna have to wait another hundred years for that." Said Oliver.

"To another hundred years then!" Arthur cheered as he raised his shot glass.

"To another hundred years!" The group cheered after, raising their glasses before toasting and downing the alcohol.

Once the toast was done, Anthony distributed each slice of the cake on some porcelain plates that he brought and handed each of the four a metal fork.

"Qalvin poured his heart and soul into this, he wanted me to ask you if you enjoyed it." Anthony said as he took a scoop at his slice and slid it into his jaws.

"I could smell it the whole car ride here, tell him he outdid himself." Arthur said with a grin as he scooped up a slide of his own.

"Now, an eighteenth birthday that I will never, ever, forget, is Jameson's." Arthur started with a knowing grin.

Jameson's eyes widened and he flushed slightly as he recalled the events himself.

"So, it was summer of 1991, and at the time I was living in Virginia. Speaking of which, I want to go there again some time.” Arthur stared into the amber liquid in his shotglass, a faraway look in his eyes. “Anyway, I had been living there to get away from things for a while. I always found forests relaxing.

"I was sitting inside, listening to the radio and carving some wood to cure boredom, when I heard a car approaching. So I go outside and there's Jameson parking in front of the porch. He jumps out and slams the door and he comes running up to me and goes-"Arthur put his hands together and leaned down slightly in a mock begging gesture. "Grandpa! Grandpa! Please! There's this really cute girl and I don't know what to say to her and I need your help!" Arthur said, just barely stifling an uproarious laughing fit.

"Eric was busy in an art gallery in New York, and Jameson couldn't think of any better teacher than the greatest romantic hotshot in human history, so he drove the whole six hundred miles from Boston to Richmond." Arthur added with a grin that rivaled the Sun's light.

"So I took him inside, gave him a beer and a couple words of advice, and that is how he managed to woo Lucille." Arthur finished.

"So you mean to tell me that that man," Oliver pointed to Jameson. "Was a nervous soy-boy?"

"Soy-boy, no. Indescribably nervous? Yes." Arthur replied. "Perhaps that's where Anthony got it from." He added, eliciting a lighthearted glare from the man in question.

Jameson crossed his arms, putting on a serious face while trying to hide his crimson embarrassment. "I'll have you know, my charm has improved significantly over the past thirty years."

"It appears you've improved a little too much, we've got company." Arthur said in a bit quieter of a voice as he locked eyes with an approaching amazon. She approached assertively, her white silk dress shone in the dim light while the dark colors of her surroundings while her royal purple skin blended almost imperceptibly with the surroundings.

Anthony felt himself tense up slightly, though he relaxed as he internally repeated what Jameson had told him. He couldn't shake the mild feeling of discomfort however, as the woman stopped and placed a hand on the corner of his chair.

=Good evening, gentlemen.= She said.

=Good evening, miss..?= Arthur asked with a polite smile.

=Li’nera.= The woman smiled proudly.

=Li’nera, to what do we owe the pleasure?= Arthur said with a charismatic smile as he leaned back in his chair.

=Admittedly, the smell of your dessert drew my attention,= The woman began. =But the moment I laid eyes upon your beautiful features, I simply couldn't resist offering you a drink.= She said with a confident, toothy grin, not so subtly eyeing the birthday boy. He stared back with equal intensity, watching her golden irises dance slightly in the pitchblack voids of her eyes.

Arthur's charismatic grin turned into a smirk, his eyes squinting mischievously as if contemplating something.

Anthony put on a mask of bravery before he broke the standoff.

"Oh dear, the Chick Magnet strikes again." Anthony said sarcastically with a cheeky smirk of his own, a couple of the Brights responded with light chuckles.

"He's not the only chick magnet at this table." She quipped teasingly, tossing a wink towards Anthony.

Mask shattered, he let a noticeable blush cover his face. He hadn't expected her to speak English. He did, however, have enough class to put a hand on his chest and bow in a "why thank you" gesture.

=I believe my mother raised me well enough to know how rude it is to reject a woman's gift.= Arthur said, his charismatic grin reappearing as he stood up from his chair and pushed it in.

=Excellent.= Li’nera said, her grin growing wider as she began making her back to her table. Arthur followed, ignoring the few envious looks the two received.

Once the pair arrived at their table, Li’nera pulled a chair out for him, which he graciously accepted. She then took a seat opposite of him and ordered two drinks.

=I must say I'm thoroughly flattered. I don't believe I've been regarded so overtly in quite some time.= Arthur spoke, breaking the ice.

=A man such as yourself? Impossible.= She commented. =You must have women flocking everywhere you go.=

=I admit I could see the appeal but frankly that simply isn't true. I prefer to live a much more reserved lifestyle. When necessary, of course.= Arthur replied.

=Very well, a respectable choice. I too have enjoyed my fair share of modesty.= Li’nera said. =Say, I don't believe I caught your name.=

=Ares.= Replied Arthur.

=Air-ees.. Isn't that the name of one of your mythological gods?= She inquired.

=Indeed it is.= Arthur said.

=Is that your birth name or a preferred alias?= She asked, only a bit confused.

=Preferred alias, though I wouldn't doubt its accuracy as a birth name.= Answered Arthur.

=Do you possess a need to conceal your name? Or do you do it for... 'kicks'?= She inquired, with a hint of suspicion.

Arthur gave an easy shrug. =I'm not avoiding the question, but I can't help but notice your mannerisms, and a certain lovely scent that lingers around you. I've only ever noticed it around members of the Interior. If it's not any trouble with me asking, would you happen to be an... agent?= Arthur said, more out of genuine curiosity than anything else.

Li’nera squinted for a moment, tilting her head slightly before relaxing. =Yes, I am, and I commend your deductive skills.= She said in a neutral, if not mildly surprised tone.

Arthur gave a small nod. =Then I do hope a woman of your profession can understand the need for anonymity every so often.= He said in a questioning tone.

The woman gave an equally small nod.

=If you wish, you could say it's 'for kicks'. An enjoyable sort of game that me and my friends adopted. Not too dissimilar to a masquerade party amongst ourselves.= He explained casually.

She appeared to accept the explanation, but Arthur could never be too sure. He was content to drop the subject if she was however. At that moment, the waitress with their drinks arrived. Two tall glasses of red grain.

=Aeugh, red grain, you heathen.= He said humorously with a wide grin.

=I'm going to ignore that villainous insult.= She said with a grin of her own. =I thought you said your mother taught you manners towards women.=

=And you would be correct. I wouldn't be caught dead refusing a free drink from a gorgeous lady such as yourself.= He said sincerely.

She did a terrific job at suppressing the small embarrassed blush that tried to make its way onto her face as she subtly turned away. Instead, a content smile appeared at the compliment. =Very well, you are forgiven.=

=I will be forever grateful for your amnesty, Li’nera.= He said in a half humorous half thankful voice as he took another sip of his drink. It wasn't the taste that drew him away, but his simple bias towards the color blue. He chuckled internally at the thought.

=However shall I repay you for your kindness and generosity?= Arthur asked, in a not quite serious tone.

=I can think of a number of ways,= Li’nera said with a mischievous grin. =But such advances would be incredibly forward, even for your species.=

He let out a knowing chuckle. =I have no experience with your species' standards but I would have to agree. Personally, I'm the type who so very much loves a good wine and dine.= He said as he took another good sip.

=If we ever happen to cross paths again, however, I certainly wouldn't refuse. Unfortunately, tonight is beginning to run a bit into the later hours.= Arthur finished with a hint of sadness in his voice.

=Very unfortunate indeed, I was just beginning to get acclimated to your company.= She said with a smirk.

=As was I, but all good things must come to an end.= Arthur rose from his seat and moved a step or two towards Li’nera. The woman stood up as well, and Arthur planted a firm peck on her cheek.

=I do hope we have a more optimal opportunity to get to know one another in the future.= He said earnestly as he began to leave her table and return to his. She watched him the whole way, and made a small chuckle when he quietly said something that elicited a cheer for the other five gentlemen.

"Boys, the night has grown old enough, let us head home." Said Arthur as he moved to his side and began neatly organizing his used plates, glasses, and utensils on the table.

Anthony collected their paper plates and steel forks, putting them where the cake once was and reattaching the plastic lid. Arthur swiped his chit along the built in omnipad, completing the transaction.

“I'm getting a bad feeling from her.” Said Oliver with uncertainty.

“While your suspicions are never unfounded, Oliver, I'll need a better opportunity to talk with her.”

“Don't let your guard down.” Oliver finished.

“Not planning to.” Arthur responded, following the other three men to the exit, and shooting Agent Li’nera one more glance as he walked through the door.

Behold, Edition II.

I will deliver a little more, at a little higher quality in the future.


P.S. I am learning, and sometimes it feels like my brain is trying to tear itself apart. A very odd feeling I must say. The thicken will plot, and the improve will quality. Trust. Plz.

Submitted December 30, 2021 at 04:13PM by Mother-Internal8992

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