Monday 3 January 2022


I dunno what it is between Skilled and Expert, the difference between them seems disproportionate to all other difficulty modes - a good example is in a sprint on Skilled, I took first place at 21%, on Expert I couldn't even get past 6th and first was so far ahead I could only see them on the minimap. Normally I'd just accept I'm not good enough for that difficulty, however skilled is too easy.

So wondering what do people recommend I change ? Aside from git gud ha. At first I did what I did in 4 - I focused on handling rather than engine power to boost my rating, as the corners are the place you typically take the lead, and having good braking and distribution there won the races. But in 5 the cars are so much faster than mine! I tried switching it round and put the upgrades into engine instead, and the opposite issue was killing me - doing OK on straights (getting closer but them still outpacing me) but then absolutely getting ruined on the corners. I typically try to keep my upgrades limited to either the same ranking, or at most 1 above (so my C car I'll only boost to B etc.), should I not upgrade as much ? Should I upgrade more ? Not really a fan of upgrades tbh as it kinda defeats the purpose of playing in that car if you just make it like all supercars!

So yeah, any tips would be appreciated. I'm not too bothered if they don't lead to me winning, as I know I need to practice and get better. But not being able to break into the top 3 and being 5-10s behind first place is a bit daft.

Submitted January 04, 2022 at 06:27AM by Nandy-bear

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