Saturday 2 January 2021


Okey this is my first reddit post im new here and i don't know how to use it correctly, nevermind im just gonna post it anyways. In first place excuse me for my english i live in switzerland and my english ins't the best.

So lest go. I would consider myself as a redpill men. I accepted the fact that hypergamy exists and it is becomming a problem in our society. I heard about that chad stuff. Its a illousion that chads dont have problems finding a girl. If you would look at me you would say i dont get it how you can't find a girl? I hear that qouestion all the time. Most guys would put me in the chad cathegory. My height is about 1.85 meters (6ft) im muscular not a gym freak but im in good shape and all that chad stuff. Once i asked a few girls they said im a 7 some of them even said a 7,5 or even 8. I would give myself a 6 when im working out again a lot and dress well i would give me also a 7 i don't want to be narcisstic and in love with myself. So why im so stuggeling finding a gf when im so ''attractive''? I asked myself that question a lot. I tough my expectations where to high. Im not even lookning for a super model, just a normal average girl would be enough. But so far seems that i only were attracted to women witch are overweight or would fall in the ''weirdo'' or ''not attractive'' cathegory. So i put my standards lover and tada i had a girl for a short time i break up because i asked her with the rose collered glasses on. To be polite she wasn't a girl you could introduce to someone. To keep it short i dont want to waste my time.

So why i dont get attracted to girls in the same leauge or a bit bellow? I asked myself so much questions what could be my problem. I soon realized maye it has something to do with my career or so-called social status. I was so naive i wondered why girls do ask questions like what kind of car do you drive or what do you do for a living. I tough these are some gap-filler question to have something to talk about during texting. These are all questions a women usees to filter you out as a potential partner or not. I realized that so much women lost interest in me when i told them im a electrician, most of them actecd like ohh wow really intresting but the next question was like so you work on the construction right? or so you're dirty all the time? They know what a electrican earns they're not stupid. They keept on texting me for a bit to not look like a complete gold digger and soon gosted me or texted me youre not my type but funny how i was completly her type when she liked all my ig pics so i can dm her.

The next points i realized that these girls ''bellow'' my class thought there in the same leauge or even higer. My opinion on that is that these 3s and 1s think they're an 8 or a 10 is because of #sips crawling in their *** under every post and making the whole situation even worse. They push their egos so much up in a unhealty way. The worst is that most of the girls dont even follow these simps back. Some may follow them back giving them all the time a bit of hope with kiss smilies, and in exchancge they get attraction 24/7.

An oder interesting point is the upbringing of the parents. Since childhood girls where told get yourself a succsessful man etc. instagram have made it even worse suggesting a wrong perspective of live like you can only be happy if you own a private jet supercars and fancy clothes. More about that later. What do you think has to make it to get access to these fancy stuff? Of corse the man. Most women don't think about making it by their own or with a man. Its easier to stand at the finish line than run the whole marathon. Easier to grab a rich dude than going out of the comfort zone and take action. Thats just my opinion: When a man really gets successful in their career of corse they will chose a 10 model over an average. They have now the positon where a lot of women get attracted to them and they can choose some of them are redpill and they know they woulndn't even look at him if he wouldn't be successful some of them deliberatly chose a model. No matter what you think about Trump but look at him do you really think he had a chance if he wasn't a multi billionare he knows that so why sould he choose a women in his leauge? In my opinion hes a redpill dude.

Thats the reason so much women end up alone because they think they can grab a rich dude by the age of around 30 but these dudes have options and of corse they wont choose an average or less than average. They think they're an 9 but in fact they're an 5 or bellow.

Now back to the uprising point. I dated a girl once for a time we had a few dates it was going on wery well we had made out a few times and then boom one day changed everything i didnt get it what the reason was. Nevermind a certain time passed i found out she told her parents about me and they convince her what she a college girl wants from me a uneducated construction worker (dont worry was just 2 years older than her) and she suported their opinion like yeah you they're right how could i went out on dates with him. But lets forget the facts that she is not as hot as she thinks maybe a 3 (again i was puting my standarts lower for her) she was also a girl that first liked my very first ig post. To hear such stuf hurts to be honest that was in that time when i wasn't confident as yet.

Im not the only one with such a story my best friend also then a construktion worker found out the mother of his ex-girlfriend was talking around that she was happy that they broke up what could her daughter see in a construktion wokrer she said her daughter deserves a man wich goes to work in a shirt not in dirty work clothes. But she ignored the fact that her daughter isn't as good-looking as she thinks and what was her job? Cleaning some old dudes sh*it in the hospital is a very high class job. But again Hypergamy.

Back to the point with the Instagram and soical media stuff. Im turning soon 21 and what i learned so far in my dating expiriance is that what women say and what women do is not the same. They will hold you an whole lecture about how they don't care about that matrialistic stuff and that they're not golddiggers but in fact you need to just to take a look at her ig page and i some cases its interesting to look what kind of sites she follows. They follow such billionare millionare stuff sites and will talk about 10 minutes during a date that they dont care about money and they're not like that or not like the others and all that bs.

Another factor for sure is the very high porsperity here where i live in switzerland. We do have a very high standart of living here. Its no wonder girls are very picky their walking all the time with the hope around maybe they will meet an rich dude.

An intresting fact is that you can discuss what feminsm movment has to do with our todays society. I remember once during my time as a elecrican our company was working for a businessman. He bought an appartment renovate it, and rent it out. This dude buildt an small real-estate-empire in my hometown. We where standing in the kichen with him and his wife. The question now was on wich hight the lamp should hang. They discussed for so long i kinda was shocked because first of all they rent it out so whats the point of 5cm higer or lower. But the most shocking part for me was that he even discussed with her. I mean i have nothing against women but hes paying for it and its his business what she even wants to discuss with him. Afterwards they somehow found a compromise. And she directly said its lunch time lets go to a fancy restaurant nearby. Through my mind just came the question up is this the life of a socalled new modern man? A modern man hast just to pay and keep his mouth shut. I mean i have heard about this alot. I have a few friends wich work in retail and what they told me is exactly the same. When a couple walks in and he likes a product and she not almost all the time they end up in a discussion. When they ask for advice sometimes they thell them the one who payes decides as a "little joke".

An intresting fact is they introduced a womens quota here in switzerland we havent expierienced the long-term impacts yet. The law states that companies listed on the stock exchange market new need to justify themselves if they have less than 20 to 30% women in the boardroom. To myself it makes no sense imagine beeing in a position just because of this quota and as a man you dont get a postioton wich would maybe be a major point in your career just because of this quota. In my opinion a job should be given to the person who is best suited/ cualified for it and not by other aspects. This has nothing to do with equal rights for me this has to do with discrimination against men. As it isnt enough that we have to do military service in my case 10 months (long service finish at once instead of going for a few years every year for a few weeks) they can even force you against your will and sign to keep on your service to have all time the required army personell. And i say that as a pro army dude but beeing at a place for 10 months or longer can really suck. When you come up with the idea of ans similar service for women everbudy says your crazy. But funny how these quoats are only demanded for jobs where you can make a ton of money. Why they dont demand for a such a quoata in the industry or on the construction site?

Currently im not a construction worker anymore not because of women but for some diffrent reasons i dind't like the job anyway but i kinda was forced to finish my apprenticeship, at least i have a diploma rightnow.

Another topic is woman wich come back.

I also have expirienced that woman witch rejected me for an other dude just to get rejected by him. Tried to build up conntact again with me and apologized for rejecting me. Im intrested about your opinion what to do witch such cases. Taking them back is not an option for me. I put to much respect on my name. I mean they treat you like trash in some way. You put all the effort in spent money time and energy in her just to get rejected because an oder dude sent er a request on ig wich is not even more attractive than you (he's just an richkid in the last case) and all your effort you put in gets worthless. I didnt put much effort in i just replied them with a simple no. But i think about the next time to demoralize her in some way. The first option is just texting her <<no thanks, im currently happy with the situation with women, im not intrested in picking up used trash bags>> even if your not happy with your acctual situation. The next option is just take her back use her and leave her back to te streets. Of corse its immoral but wasn't her acting also kinda immoral. She trated you like trash so you gonna trad her like trash. I mean somone needs to show them that their behavior is not ok and they should expirience concequences for their actions.

The last topic

Now i realized that all these guys wich end up successful often get a much younger woman on their site but why? To be hones i think its because of the milage. I mean most of the good loking women are allready assigded there must be a reason why a 30+ 10 model is still single? If shes that good why is she still single if she hasn't any special career. I mean their must be a bunch of dudes want her even successful dutes. Maybe she has a high milage. I mean lets make simple calculation. If a man starts buliding up a career or a business in his 20s he works for 15 years hard and gets very successful, he dind't had any time or very little time for dating or going out on partys. Even if he goes on partys we all know mens chances are much lower of getting laid than a womans. In the same time this super hot 10 ''lives her life'' ''finds herself'' or ''needs time to know what se really wants'' going out freqently having a lot of ONS. So lets make a quick calulation:

If she gets laid every lets be generous 3 weeks by another dude maybe during hot girl sommer even more or sometimes less ONS but lets say for average every 3 weeks. A year has 52 weeks wich are dived 17.3 lets take 17

17 guys every jear multiplie with 15 years and you get 255 guys 10 years = 170

This is disgusting. Yeah sure shes super hot but that doesnt change the fact that she has a three digit body count.

So why should a successfull guy go for a women witch such a lose ..... and high milage when he can have a hot 10 in her 20s when the only reason is he gets liked are social status related and hes aware of that.

Now lets get slowly to the end. I ralized that hypergamy exists im not an incel or an blackpill dude. Im currently working on myself i rather be alone than with a girl wich i don't like and wich i dont feel attracted to. Im working on myself im not a simp to be honest i was one. Im just minding my own business keep on my career focus on the really important things in life like health, family etc. i stopped chasing women if i get one ok but im not going to run after one. I just wanted to share my exeriences and i didnt want to offend anyone or do socalled hate speech against woman. Im intrested in an objectivly and respectfull conversation. Do you agree with my views? Yes or why not?

For the people who just say you need just a fresh haircut some nice clothes and go out and you will find a girl i know there are a lot of dudes complaining how they cant get any girl and your right they really dont care about their appereance. Save your comments for yourself. I already explained myself up there i get a haircut all 2 weeks, work out and by just going out you wont find a girlfriend (of corse i wouldnt find a girl by just sitting at home) and forget about all that bs from these artists i know how to interact with women and it works out quiete well until she knows my social status.

My tips for you dudes out there:

No matter how unattracrive you are or you feel put some respect on your name.

Be aware of munipulative women look thrugh their behavior. Dont be a simp

Dont be in a relationship just to be in one.

Accept the hypergamy we cant change the world and society.

Stop to think you'rethe only one out there there.

Never forget you have one family

you have one career

and that there are thousands if not millions potential girls out there so if one seems not interested keep on.

Submitted January 03, 2021 at 04:48AM by mhmka

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