Saturday 27 November 2021


As you've probably seen browsing through the Forza subs, reception of Horizon Mexico has been...less than stellar. A lot has gone wrong for Horizon's fifth car and music festival. But is this all a coincidence? Or are there supernatural forces in play?

To dive into this question, we need to take a look at Mexico before Horizon came into town. Back then, Mexico was a simple and peaceful society. The Mexican people lived in harmony with the land. The people took care of the land, and the land took care of the people. It was a symbiotic relationship.

But then, the Horizon Festival came into town and soon, everyone's lives where thrown out of balance. Rich kids were blasting their 700 horsepower European supercars wreaking havoc on Mexico's landscape. Their souped up toys tore through rich farmland and sacred cultural sights without any regard for the local culture and lifestyle whatsoever.

So then, could it be, that the spirits throughout Mexican history put a curse on the Horizon Festival? From the Aztecs, to the Monster Ghost, to Papa Fernando.

Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong for Horizon Mexico so far. Central operations not functioning, ghosts in Eliminator, massive earthquakes, festivalgoers disappearing without a trace, painters getting banished to otherworldly places, music coming out super choppy, and wonky leaderboards.

Could it be there is some negative paranormal energy behind the festival's disastrous start? You be the judge.

Submitted November 28, 2021 at 05:24AM by Giantsgiants

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