Wednesday 2 June 2021


Always wondering if you can buy and send replicas via Superbuy?

Now You Can! Superbuy is always committed to helping global users buy and send what they want, replicas or whatever it is!

This is the best time to buy replicas, ‘cause Superbuy has rolled out 4 Big Benefits for all users in June:

Free ¥1,000 Shipping Coupon Package, Shop Weidian / Yupoo Goodies Purchase Fee-Free, “Tax-Free” Sensitive Air Cargo Line, and Free Tryout of SuperCare Plus!

1. ¥1,000 Shipping Coupons Giveaway ☟

From June 1-30, redeem the coupon codes for ¥1,000 shipping coupons as follows:

  • ¥50 Off ¥500 Coupon Code:618A
  • ¥80 Off ¥700 Coupon Code:618B
  • ¥110 Off ¥900 Coupon Code:618C
  • ¥160 Off ¥1,200 Coupon Code:618D
  • ¥200 Off ¥1,500 Coupon Code:618E
  • ¥400 Off ¥2,500 Coupon Code:618F

Plus, you can grab an extra ¥100 No-Min.-Spend Shipping Coupon every day at 00:00, June 16, 17 and 18 (Beijing Time) ! Only 10 Coupons / Day & First Come, First Served!

  • June 16: ¥100 Shipping Coupon Code: 16A
  • June 17: ¥100 Shipping Coupon Code: 17A
  • June 18: ¥100 Shipping Coupon Code: 18A

View the guide ☞How to redeem coupon code for coupons?

2. Buy From Weidian / Yupoo With Ease! ☟

  • l Shop Weidian/Yupoo Goodies Purchase Fee-Free!

a. Weidian: You need to pay purchase fee first, which will be refunded to your Superbuy account within 7 working days after the event ends;

b. Yupoo: No purchase fee charged when placing orders.

  • Sensitive Air Cargo Available & Tax Exemption For Parcel Below 22 Euros

Specifically designed for replicas, Sensitive Air Cargo is now available on Superbuy, with brands, cosmetics powder / paste / liquid and products containing batteries accepted.

Parcels sent to Europe with the declared value below 22 euros will enjoy tax exemption. Sending your Weidian / Yupoo goodies is easier than ever before!

Click to learn more about the line

  • Free Tryout of SuperCare Plus

a. From June 1-9 and June 19-30, when submitting parcels, you can enjoy a free tryout of SuperCare by selecting any of the following 3 services:

1) Parcel Value Preserver; 2) Parcel Safety Protector; 3) Delivery Time Keeper

b. Purchase and pay the full price for one or more services of SuperCare Plus after submitting parcels, and Superbuy will refund the payment amount for one service to your account before July 15.

c. If you purchase multiple services, the highest amount for one service will be refunded.

3. Below are some must-buys on Weidian ☟

Tips: The above are recommended by other users (for reference only). We can't make guarantee on their quality / descriptions. Be cautious when purchasing.

Click here to learn how to shop form Weidian

Submitted June 02, 2021 at 03:35PM by SuperbuyMod
via Blogger
June 02, 2021 at 03:57PM

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