Saturday 29 May 2021


So, the next season starts off like this season did, with an event, Agent Jones has snook to the top of the spire to find the foundation, when he is up there, Doctor Slone attacks him, they have a brawl, Slone then pulls out some Dual Pistols and starts shooting Jones, Jones pulls out his Zero Point shooter thing and shoots Slone, Slone attacks Jones and holds him over the edge of the spire, Slone takes Jones gun and Jones holds Slone off the edge, she drops the portal gun and is forced to jump down and get it, but the portal gun shakes, and a reality wave happens then, a UFO picks Slone up as she is falling, Jones looks in shock, he looks towards Colossal Crops (now called Alien Alley) Jonesy breaks down and looks over the fortnite map, the player then appears behind him, he asks the player to follow him, they walk down the Spire, the Spire and Boney Burbs are still here this season, when you and Jones get to the bottom, Jones has a supercar, he drives you to Alien Alley, it is extremely futuristic, you and Jones have to sneak through Alien alley, you sneak through a security checkpoint and punch an alien, you have to sneak through more buildings until you get to an alien holding the portal gun, “Coral Castle” it repeats, Jones punches the alien and it screams, he picks up the portal gun and teleports back to the spire so to recap

Places added:

Alien Alley Spaceship Sands Little Landing

Places Removed: Colossal Crops Sweaty Sands Coral Castle

Lmk what you think

Submitted May 29, 2021 at 03:16PM by Xboxer13

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