Thursday 1 April 2021


Ok I’ve maybe had one too many drinks tonight and I have a crazy idea but hear me out. Instagram in the last 5-7 years has massively popularized super cars, let’s take the Lamborghini Hurrican as an example.

You see them plastered all over Instagram, everyone wants one, and it’s basically become the generic super car of our modern era. Drive into any glamorous part of any major city and the streets are teeming with them.

Now where is all of this a gift from god? Well whenever the Hurrican gets replaced in the lineup, values are going through the floor which means regular joes like us will likely be able to pick them up around $70k is my best guess. There are just so damn many of them. I just can’t wait for the glut I’m the market when Lamborghini releases their next entry level baller car and Instagram moves on.

All these super car manufacturers are pumping out more and more cars every year and my feeling is the supply is going to get overrun whenever the next generation of entry level supercars hits the scene, probably not with Ferrari but I can 1000% see that happening with Lamborghini

Submitted April 02, 2021 at 09:19AM by _fat_santa

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