The beautiful British countryside mixed with a luscious fall colored blanket of leaves on the ground and faint scent of burnt rubber filling the countryside air. The grounds dressed in a wonderful orange, red, and gold pattern and as you drive through the leaves they start to fly, rotate, and readjust behind your bright orange super car. The weather changes into a more ferocious winter storm as you venture down the road, slowly the orange sportscar you were driving is no longer the small high powered engine beast. It has morphed into a icy blue 4x4 Land Rover, capable of plowing through any obstacle winter throws at it. The covering of the powdery snow sat elegantly on the naked trees and generously sat on top of the ice coated roads. The air stung as the Rover sped through the winter tundra with the snow aggressively falling from the sky. Slowly snow turned into rain. Mud soaked the tires and the sides of the red pickup. Spring was in the air, cherry blossoms floated gently from the trees onto the ground some even settling onto the truck bed. The fields have an oversaturation of the color green, mixed with a palette of soft colored flowers. The coolness mixed with the warmth of the sun made it the perfect season, but summer is on her way. The heat struck like Connor McGregor going for the KO. The leather on the classic blue Mustang burnt as soon as it had contact with skin. It felt like an oven with the cartop on but driving down a highway with the top down felt like heaven. As the Mustang headed towards the sunset, it’s adventures aren’t done yet. It was just beginning. Wait, before the Mustang fully leaves there is one last message
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I hope you guys liked the story, I wasn’t very good at writing in school. I really would love Forza because I am a car enthusiast. I have a huge collection of Hot Wheels since it’s hard for me to buy a bunch of real cars cause they expensive asf. I am also pretty addicted to car photography. I don’t own a nice camera so I am strictly a virtual photographer. Currently, I am taking pictures exclusively in GTA V. I have over thousands of pictures on my PC from GTA alone. I remember asking for a nice dslr camera because all my classmates had one to take beautiful photographs but, my family couldn't afford one. I was super disappointed because most of my friends had them so I turned to virtual photography. I am still the only person from my friend group to do virtual photography and I love it so much. I think it's unique and even though my friends say it's not real photography I say that it is real.
I haven’t edited a lot of them because they look ugly so I only edit or fix the ones that are worth saving. I have a photography account and getting Forza would help me expand my photography and it would also allow me to showcase new cars and scenes. I linked my photography site (working on uploading all of my pics there) on here so if you are interested you can check it out also if you scroll through my reddit posts you can see my hot wheels and car photos too. I enjoy photography in GTA because it’s relaxing. I genuinely enjoy driving cars in the game as well. My brother loves to drive police cars and rp as a cop, while I like to drive supercars as fast as I can as if I was being chased by the cops for smuggling weed into the country. My physical game collection consists of mainly racing games and or truck simulators, I guess you can say I’m a car enthusiast.
You can’t not just say you are a car enthusiast without sharing your favorite cars. For me I’m torn between the Range Rover or the G Wagon. Don’t get me wrong, I love love love supercars too but, I’m a sucker for 4x4 vehicles. I enjoy hiking and doing outdoorsy things, with those cars it makes going up mountains and off roading so much more fun. My dream is to own either the red and black Rover or the sliver G Wagon. As for hot wheels my favorite one I own is a yellow and the blue Lamborghini Urus. I have like five of them and it makes a perfect gift to give to my friends for special occasions.
So why do I want Forza? Well, I mentioned above that I fricking love car photography. Forza has a ton of cars to choose from and the endless possibilities of taking photos in the game is so deep. I been trying to expand my car pictures so this will certainly be a huge upgrade. I also enjoy driving and racing with friends and meeting strangers online and racing them. I also used to play Forza at my friends’ home with them, it was super fun racing and driving the wrong way just to purposely crash into my brother. We both try to damage our cars so much so that our friend would literally tell us he would never sit in my car when I get to drive irl. I also used to stand at Best Buy and just play the game demo until they asked me to leave cause I wasn’t buying anything. I really like the seasons part of the game, especially the winter seasons cause as a Canadian winter is the best thing that I can witness. In Forza they have the lake freezing over and you can drive cars over them making for super cool photo op plus drifting on ice seems pretty manageable or chaotic. Another thing is I really enjoy gloomy rainy days. Like I watch a lot of videos of the British countryside when it’s raining, and the skies are super grey. I love the aesthetic of it and driving a car in the rain near some train tracks on a muddy dirt pathway is something that I want to do since forever. Off-roading in a rain storm also makes me swoon plus I think getting mud allover the car is super hot.
I've only seen off-reading once in person and I'm not too sure if Monster Trucks count as off-roading. My friend took my brother and I to see a Monster Truck show and most of the time all they did was drive over muddy things and race with ATVs. I really liked it and right afterwards I fired up GTA to buy a "Monster Truck" and ATV so I could recreate pictures from the event. If you visit my profile my background pic is actually a "Monster Truck" jumping over a field.
Also, I am well aware the game can be played with the Xbox subscription pass thing but, I personally don't really like Microsoft's gaming platform and my old account was hacked probably by my ex-friend. I unknowingly been paying for a subscription on my Uncle's credit card (on another account I sahre with my brother) and he wasn't too happy when the free trial thing we signed up for turned into monthly payments. Luckily he cancelled the payments so now my family is pretty against subscriptions.
I can’t afford the game at the moment because ever since covid hit I am not able to keep reffing hockey games cause they cut down the number of games and since I use the money, I make to get recertified I’m technically unable to work. My grandma tends to pay half of it too. She is at risk for catching covid so I cannot work or leave home much. If you are wondering how I afford my hot wheels my grandma buys them all for me lol. If you look at my profile you can see that I do offer chegg unlocks for money the money I earn from there pays for my chegg subscription. I know above I said that my fam is against subs but, this is my own cash I earned and I remove my paypal after I link it to chegg so they won't charge me without me knowing. Unrelated this Sunday is my birthday and I’m finally going to be old enough to drink!
So that’s pretty much wraps up my request, sorry for all the grammatical errors and the rambling. I tend to ramble too much haha. I know this game is super pricey so if you do happen to have the game cheaper on Microsoft I am open to getting the game there too, I'll just make a brand new Microsoft account.
My photography site (can’t afford a domain haha)
Submitted March 20, 2021 at 08:08AM by victoriachiang
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