Friday 26 February 2021


Hear me out.

I know there's Formula E. I also know it will never have the prestige of Formula One. But pretty much every car manufacturer is giving the middle finger to the oil companies. Electric cars are the new hotness and ICE is slowly getting abolished. Numerous jurisdictions have planned final sale dates for all new passenger cars with Internal Combustion Engine within their geo. It's inevitable. Fossil fueled cars are facing their extinction.

Formula one is all about showcasing the highest technology and engineering techniques in the world. Formula E is a spec-car race. There is no innovation, there is no battle of engineering.

But if Formula E exists, wouldn't that series become redundant? No, there are tons of single seat, open-wheel racing series that coexist with Formula One that start with the word "Formula" and they contribute to many drivers maintaining points on their super license. Formula E might need a rename, but that's happened plenty of times.

But, Formula E races are too short, and no pitstops! Consumable Aluminum-Air batteries.

The regulations should specify using a replaceable battery pack that and they can replace up to two or three times during each race. Aluminum-Air batteries have one of the highest energy densities, rivaling petrol. We don't use them in road cars because they are too expensive and can't be recharged without a massive industrial process. The FIA could loosen engine specifications and limit the rules by just having the Al-Air battery being a specified part.

The pit stops would be more frequent, leading to more opportunities for bold strategy calls. The team with truly innovative engineering could steal the race from the big firms. Races will be more better. More manufacturers would enter Formula One again. The world could benefit from new & genuinely revolutionary electric car designs. We'll have some properly excellent electric supercars to drool over that will make us forget about our dinosaur-burning cars of our youth.

I think it would be win-win.

Submitted February 27, 2021 at 11:10AM by the_ranting_swede

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