Thursday 29 October 2020


On this journey of semen retention and sexual continence, there have been brothers who have reported similar "superpowers". In the NoFap subreddit, you see reports of people experiencing "superpowers" such as increased focus, increased mental clarity, physiological benefits like improved strength, muscle growth, and a luster to the skin and hair. Of course, there are things like "people attraction" in the form of women and even animals. To the outside observer who is not versed in philosophy, this seems strange or even of things like delusion. However, I personally believe that these are tasting the edges of "spiritual superpowers" AKA "siddhis".

In every society up until the modern era, there were people who were trained in the ways of contemplation. Many people from priests, to nuns, to monks, to yogis, etc. dedicated their life to God and the divine in the attempt to help guide other people to the path and break the cycle of bad karma. As a result of this dedication to renunciation, these people gained what are called "siddhis" or what happens after the result of many hours of spiritual concentration.

In his book Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda described these in detail. The master teacher Jesus Christ displayed many siddhis during his teaching. Walking on water, resurrecting people from the dead, instantly manifesting objects from thin air, and many others. St. Francis was seen floating around by several of his contemporaries. There have been many people who have described things such as teleporation, bilocation (being in two places at once), and on the less extreme end - instant manifestation, such as thinking of something vividly and having it come around. I think many of us have had this experience. The other day, I closed my eyes and pictured a Bugatti driving down the street and 5 minutes later it did. I never see supercars in my area. I was freaking out.

I think that the practice of semen retention allows you to be a conduit for these types of experiences. Things just tend to go "right" when you're on semen retention. Attraction, "luck", synchronicities - they are all hinting at these "siddhis". I believe that's why many religious orders require a vow of continence and chastity before you join.

I'm interested to hear what you brothers think about this.

Submitted October 30, 2020 at 09:24AM by aj_remington

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