Wednesday 2 September 2020


This is in regard to Mike. Seriously. Title says it all.

I understand that most of you are young, more than likely under 18 and most of all privileged. Every young adult (18-23) that watches impaulsive actually enjoys what Mike brings to the discussion table. People are constantly bashing him because of how he's comfortable with speaking about his past.

Relax, calm down. No one is forcing you to watch the podcast. He's a grown man with grown man thoughts and problems (actions? Debatable but that's not the point) and speaks to and on them. Can he be an ass sometimes? Yes. But how many people watching this podcast are able to say they don't like an asshole every now and then.

I'm not saying y'all gotta love the dude. He's a bit much at times but aren't we all? Dude turned a horrible life (which I'm about to get into) into a successful life of sales and fun. Most of y'all bash on him for his current position in life but only dream of getting there. He says the things you don't understand based on his experiences and people just regurgitate the same shit everyone else is saying. "he talks to much" "no one cares" "he always talks about how he used to be fucked up". Ok, cool. Are you going to go beat his ass about it? No. Which leads me into the next segment of how his past regardless of how open he is about should not be a current reflection of how you feel about him or who he currently is.

Mike was a drug addict, we know. He probably did much more fucked up shit than what he has said that will never reach the light of day. This we all know. But, and with everything in life (which you young people will learn as you get older) people do shit for a reason. Most of what he did was in fact fueled by his addiction. Does that make him selling drugs better? Abso-fuckin-lutely. He did what he had to do for survival because he was put into a bad situation regardless of if the situation could have been avoided by him not doing drugs in the first place. You guys are saying "he fucked peoples lives up". No he didn't, they were going to do it anyway and find someone else if he wasn't available and he took advantage of that. For those of you that think ethics and morals are absolute I challenge you to have someone point a gun at you or a loved one and see what you think and how you may react. Tough times call for even tougher measures. What you all seem to miss is the REASON he mentions it. He came out of that horrible place. He did it WITHOUT Logan mind you. He cleaned himself and took up a position of sales, most of you couldn't sale a bottle of water to a dehydrated man in the desert.

This reminds me of Chadwick Bosemen. And before you all scream blasphemy and dismiss me for comparing the two, that's not what I'm doing. I'm comparing the way people act and treated him when he looked different and people were talking shit not knowing the entire story. Then paying respects when he passes away. You guys are fucking ripping Mike a new one and trash talking him every Tuesday and Thursday for no true reason not knowing everything about him. What if the shit you were saying we're tearing him apart making him hate himself for the success he's found after crawling out of the dark and finding the light. Just think, for a second, how you would feel if thousands of people were destroying you, who you are, and what you did. If you had a bad past and grew from it and used it to try to be a source of relatability (because none of us can relate to Logan in any way apart from the way he thinks on certain things) you would be an asshole on a short fuse too. Let the man breathe please.

If you're typing: "who asked" I did. "Why should I care" I don't care if you do or don't just read and think. "I can't relate to him because i would never be a horrible person" Awesome, so you can relate to a online superstar that fucks whoever he wants, do whatever he wants, is scrutinized by every action he does by millions of people and best of all, has more money than you and your family will ever have combined? If so more power to you. But for the strong majority of his viewers that's far more unrelatable than what Mike has going on for himself and his life in the past. "so you're condoning the fucked up(subjective btw)shit he did?" No, but i can empathize with him and see and understand how he got to that point and why he did what he did.

There's no TLDR. Read this shit, soak it up and apply it to others in your life.

EDIT; Oh, and regards to you guys talking about him lying about not paying fully for a Lamborghini... You. Don’t. Understand. Money. When you make over 250k in one year you’re really only making around 150-170. For every million you make (quick tax education) you’re taxed incrementally in every tax bracket. In short you may walk away with around 650-700k. If you’re smart it could possibly be closer to the full 1 million. Now here’s where shit gets fun. Buy a lambo with cash? Nice you either wasted hundreds of thousands on an asset or you’re paying thousands a month on something more than likely will lose value (more than likely because supercar’s value gets pretty weird). Oh yeah, you’re going to want to get some tax deductions on that, too bad you own it. The tax deductions you get on an owned car used for “business” stop at a certain point. Now let’s say you lease said Lambo. Monthly payments are lower because it’s leased, you don’t own an asset that will more than likely depreciate, you’ll have just as much fun. You can get rid of it and get the newest or something totally different after a year or two. And best of all... if you have a great CPA it can be fully tax deductible.

I don’t know about you, but I’d rather keep that money in my hand and invest it elsewhere making me a 10% ROI on the total amount of the estimated vehicle after interest vs buying the car.

Did he lie? No. He never said she owned it outright. He said he bought it. If you get into a new apartment you aren’t telling people you just leased a new home you say you bought it. IF YOU GET A HOUSE WITH A MORTGAGE ON IT AND A FUCKING EQUITABLE TITLE BECAUSE YOUR BROKE ASS CAN’T TAKE FULL POSSESSION OF THE TITLE WITHOUT THE MORTGAGEE THINKING YOU’LL DEFAULT ON YOUR 6% INTEREST NOTE AFTER YOU’VE PUT DOWN 20%. You’re still going to say you bought the house even the you own and have no right to anything but the equity. Hope you enjoyed the post.

Submitted September 03, 2020 at 05:30AM by OverlyElevated

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