Saturday 29 August 2020


So my gf recently got into the habit of spamming me with 15-40 TikTok videos a day, at first it was not a big deal there were plenty funny and cute videos and i thought it was nice of her to send them to me.

About a month ago tho, she started to send me TikTok vids, where girls cry over their shitty boyfriend, and how they are getting cheated on, and how sad they feel. It was very weird. Mostly these videos are just bashing boyfriends for literally anything, hell she even sent me video where a girl was upset because his boyfriend didn't buy her the correct gucci belt. Sometimes the TikTok vids are about how some boys spoil their girl with expensive stuff, like really expensive (supercars, houses, greyhounds and jewelry). It really makes me feel bad since I can't afford to buy her that many stuff, cuz I'm still in college, but I try my best to cherish her as much as I am able to.

So I confronted her many times over the past weeks how uncomfortable she makes me feel with these kind of videos and I would like her to stop sending them to me, or I will ignore them. She got mad and said I don't care about her. What in the fuck should I do? I don't want these vids to ruin my mood, how should I appropriately solve this problem?

Submitted August 29, 2020 at 06:24PM by Plsh3lpm3Pls

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