Monday 24 August 2020


Start notes:

There is some gore so if you don’t want that don’t read.

Oh and Chapter 4 will only be posted on r/TWDGFanFic so sub over there for more or here

The look on Kenny’s face was pure anger. The person who walked in had a rifle. The same rifle that shot Clementine

Kenny yelled “YOU COMMIE PIECE OF SHIT!” And shot him in the groin. Kenny thought he deserved a painful death and he didn’t want to end it quickly nor let him have the chance to fight back. It was no other than Arvo. He fell to the ground and was screaming and swearing in Russian. He was bleeding and it was spilling on the floor

A second familiar voice was heard… “ARVO NO!” He ran in and it was no other than Mike. Kenny pointed the pistol at him “You are not helping that fucker!”

Mike for some reason still ran with Arvo “He needs medical attention now! Or he will die!”

Kenny was not letting Arvo live “He shot Clementine! NO ONE shoots Clementine and lives! You’re lucky I ain’t shot ya yet!”

“He made a mistake!” Yelled Mike


Mike was angry too “You’re fucking crazy! Where’s Clementine huh? I bet you hurt her and she ran away in fear of you!”


Mike kept going “Bet you scared AJ and made him cry. No wonder you’re alone” Kenny shot Mike in the leg and charged at him. Kenny started punching Mike.

Mike wasn’t able to give much of a fightback as Kenny knocked him out pretty quickly. Mike had some bruises but no permanent injuries.

Meanwhile, Arvo kept bleeding. He was in extreme pain. Under what breath he had he yelled “FUCK YOU!”

He didn’t have any permeant injuries though.

Kenny walked to Arvo. “I can make this quick or I can make this painful.”

Arvo simply said “Fuck you.”

Kenny was gonna give Arvo pain… Mike had a knife he was about to pull out so Kenny grabbed that. Kenny went back to Arvo. Kenny got of Arvo’s end finger and started cutting it. Arvo was already in immense pain from where Kenny shot him and what Kenny was doing now was making him scream again. His finger started bleeding and Kenny didn’t give a damn. All he wanted was Arvo to suffer.

Kenny soon cut his finger off. Blood was pouring out and his bone was exposed “Want to end this now or suffer some more? You shot Clementine so you deserve everything you get!”

Arvo was on the blink of passing out and he could barely speak but he just said “Fuck you.”

Kenny shot Arvo in his right arm with the rifle. As expected there was quite a bit of blood. Arvo was getting pale from blood loss.

Arvo’s was losing blood and Kenny wasn’t going to wait for him to bleed out before doing at least one more painful thing. Kenny put the knife over Arvo’s stomach and stabbed the knife into his stomach. If his cut off finger and bullet hole in his groin and arm lost him a lot of blood This lost him a ton. Arvo was screaming from the pain. After a few seconds Arvo was very pale and tired to speak “fu- y…” was all he could get out. And then he lost conciseness

Kenny checked his pulse. It was very weak. After a bit it stopped, Arvo was dead from the blood loss, Kenny put the knife into his head and muttered “You commie fucker.”

Kenny looked around for some rope. He found some in the storage room. He tied Mike’s hands and legs.

After some time Mike woke up. Kenny was waiting. Mike saw the body of Arvo “What the fuck did you do!?”

Kenny replied “Gave him what he deserved. Now I’m gonna take everything you have just like you did to me and Clementine and let you go. You’re lucky you are gonna live.”

Kenny stripped Mike of everything he had apart from his clothes of course and untied him.

Mike was still angry “Your luck is gonna run out one day you crazy idiot.”

Kenny was getting impatient “Get the fuck out before I change my mind, Mike…”

Mike limped out as he realised continuing the insults would make things harder for him.

Kenny sat down and reflected on what he just did… “Fuck… what just happened?”

Mike had a few bits of food and a metal bottle of water so Kenny kept them. He drunk some water and ate some food. Just some canned stuff it was.

Kenny did anything he needed to do and packed up. He wasn’t staying with Arvo’s body around with blood all over it. He walked outside. Kenny’s clothes had some blood on them so Kenny searched for anywhere with a lake, pond or river.

After hours of walking, Kenny found a small river it was shallow. Kenny washed whatever he could including the knife. Kenny felt a little refreshed after getting all the dirt, blood and muck off of his face

Kenny’s break wasn’t lasting for long though… walkers started surrounding him. Undoubtedly following Kenny from the smell of blood or whatever they smell to find people. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me” Kenny was sick of today. Walkers were the last thing he needed.

Kenny got the rifle and it was loaded so he started shooting the walkers one by one. There was enough distance between him and them to get a lot of them killed so he wasn’t getting trapped. The bullets from the rifle had some power to them and shot clean through the heads of the walkers. Kenny soon had to reload though. He pulled the pistol out as it was going to do better at closer ranges with it’s faster fire rate.

Kenny had killed 11 or so walkers and there were just 3 left he shot the last 2 when the pistol needed reloading and the last walker was nearly up to him so he pulled the knife out and stabbed the walkers head. As always blood came out so the knife was dirty again.

Kenny washed the knife again and reloaded both the pistol and Rifle. He started walking on.

It wasn’t as cold as the previous days and that made itself clear with the walkers that Kenny had to kill. There was basically no wind and little clouds in the blue sky. Kenny didn’t know how large the forested area was but it was better than the cites… Savannah was enough to make Kenny avoid them. All the people they lost… Chuck, Ben, Lee and nearly himself… Cites were nothing but trouble. Something Clementine learnt from Lee too ‘Stay away from cites they aren’t worth the risk’

Kenny wished he spent more time with his family when he had the chance… he thought at the time going out on the boat and spending time away from his family was good but he was wrong… it took the apocalypse for him to see just how important that time was.

Florida, 2002

It was a hot sunny day with little clouds. The normal in Florida.

Kenny got to the shore and set his boat up. He checked his Nokia to see how much time he had before sundown and he was soon in the ocean thinking he was having a great time away from his family. He relaxed on his boat “Nothin like an afternoon to yourself out here.” It was peaceful and the ocean was smooth. Kenny stayed out there for a few hours and then came back to shore.

He put his boat on the trailer. Hooked the trailer up to his pick up. Got in his pick up and drove back home. Kenny wanted to stay on the boat for longer though. But he can’t sleep on the thing.

Back to the present, Ohio, 2005

Kenny had been walking for some time. He hadn’t seen any other walkers so it was safe to say they lost track of him. He came across a road and followed it. He came to a rest stop he could make camp at for the night.

The building mostly had magazines left. Some were about the latest supercars or the Mclaren F1, some were about the general area, somewhere about the things for the Playstation 2, some were news things etc. but it was all useless for survival. Maybe that's why a lot of them were still around.

The building wasn’t the most comfortable because it was at a rest stop after all. It had no chimney so there was no fireplace. Electricity wasn’t common in the apocalypse so there weren’t heaters. There weren’t beds and the place had been ransacked of any useful things long ago. At least there were toilets though they wouldn’t flush because water pipes went off long ago. The floor of the building was wood.

Kenny got the duffel bag and got some food. A can of spaghetti. Was it the best tasting food? No. Two and a quarter or so years does that but it was still food and without food, you die. He got some water out and drunk it. The water was cold from the fact that it was cold outside however cold water wasn’t exactly what you wanted in the middle of December in the freezing cold.

It was sunset. Kenny locked all the doors to prevent anything from getting in and the only way in was through the windows. And breaking them was an idiot move.

Kenny did find a backpack in an area he didn’t search. it was a medium-size and the colour blue. There was a blanket, black jacket and a photo. The photo was of some teen girl. Probably about 15 years old in a black jacket and blue jeans. It wasn’t much but at least it’s something. the jacket wouldn’t fit though as it was too small but there might be other uses for it such as makeshift bandages or cloths. The blanket would have use as well. The photo, however, was useless and had no value.

And as he was going to exit the room a walker that was hiding behind the wall came out. Kenny had to react fast or die. Kenny had to keep the walker off him. Fortunately, Kenny had kept the knife on him so he quickly stabbed it before it could break through his hold. It probably helped that it was a walker of some kid.

Kenny searched the walker and it was bare other than a pen and book He looked through it and found something to do with the rest stop

Day 172

Thank god I found this rest stop. If walkers don’t get you first the cold will. Anyway, I have a bit of food left so tomorrow I will go hunting.

Day 174

There was no animals I could find. My water supply is low and food is on extreme rations. If I don’t find something soon I’m gonna die here

Day 178

I have run out of everything. No water, no food I’m going to make a last ditch attempt to find something…

Day 179

This blizzard has made going outside impossible… I’m going to starve to death if I don’t get something fast.

Day 180

I’m going outside to find food or water. I hope I can get through this.

Day 181

I was able to find a bit of water so I have a bit more time but an extra few days is not enough.

Day 183

I found a single half eaten can of food. This will not help much but it’s something.

Day 185

Fuck I went out to find food and find water as I have nearly run out of water and bandits attacked me and robbed whatever water I had left and now my leg is fucked up bad so even walking is a pain. Bandits are the worst. Have no sympathy for a starving girl such as myself.

Day 186

I’m starving and can’t find anything with my fucked up leg. I’m gonna be dead in the next few days if no one comes to save me.

Day 188

I’m gonna die. My leg isn’t getting better as I am starving to death.

Day 189

I’m probably going to die today or tomorrow. I’m extremely thirsty and I know you can only go a few days without. I hope you are doing well sis… I love you.

“Holy shit…” Kenny felt bad for this poor girl. The walker must have been her as it was quite thin even for walker standards.

The sun had gone down and darkness fell. Kenny made a little setup and slept.

Kenny woke up. He did the essential things to do. Eat, drink, brush teeth etc

Kenny packed up, got his bags and went to the door. He unlocked it and walked out. Unfortunately for Kenny, the wind was coming in and it was quite cloudy. He didn’t think much of it at first just thinking it would be a bit of snow But Mother Nature wanted to give Kenny one more fuck you. A blizzard was coming and Kenny turned back. “Shit… gotta find that rest stop!” Kenny started jogging to find the rest stop or some other shelter.

Kenny had alerted a walker that was behind a tree alongside him. It grabbed his bag and Kenny tripped. Kenny got up, pulled his knife out and pushed it into the walker’s skull. The snow below started turning red from the blood. Kenny had no time to spare to loot the walker. There was a race against the clock to find shelter asap.

Kenny found the same road again. He followed it and found the rest stop again. He ran in as the blizzard started to ramp up. “Guess I’m spending some more time here.”

After about 6 minutes Kenny heard someone yelling…

End notes:

Who do you think the person is?

I have had issues with the internet so yeah commenting and posting is delayed and chapter 4 is 40% done because of it

Submitted August 24, 2020 at 04:47PM by Hayden247

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