Saturday, 1 August 2020


Look, I am not denying that Teslas aren't good cars. They are great cars I'd say. There's a reason people are actually buying them en masse. But this company is framed a a game changer, a revolutionary endeavour, here to free us from global warming and all kinds of transportation problems.

Bluntly: This is all horseshit.

Teslas are far from being built with ecology in mind. They are over-engineered. They are too heavy. They are over-stuffed with useless crap that costs lots of resources.

If Teslas were actually greener than a golf course, they wouldn't have a gigantic screen plopped right in the middle of the dashboard just to look cool. Screens are an environmental catastrophy. They are useful in some cases, but you don't need a 20" screen to display a speedo. Needles, a small trip-computer and switches are more than enough for anything that actually matters in a car. Everything beyond that is pure luxury. Teslas really are built for luxury. Not the Roll's Royce kind. The cool kind. The apple luxury. The "I roll a 3 series wearing Ray Bans and a Lacoste polo" kind of luxury.

They wouldn't offer such braindead options for performance either. Do you realize how much resources are required to power such powerful electric engines? The battery must be able to supply the power, the cabling must handle the flow and the cooling must also match the performance. By the way: Putting two massively powerful engines in a mid-sized car in a world where a 70bhp Ford Fiesta can reach the legal speed limit is absolutely not green, even if it's electric mind you.

Teslas are toys for previous BMW owners who just want to look cool and green but don't really give a fuck because going as far as buying a sensible car is too much of a change for them, and I am not even considering the possibility of them changing their ways if possible. Looking green, without any of the downsides of actually being green.

By the way, I am also absolutely enraged by the perception of Teslas being absolutely revolutionary. They weren't even the first to offer mass-produced electric cars for crying out loud. Now, I'll admit that the Mitsubishi i-Miev was far from being a car to be ever considered for purchase, but hear this: Renault offered a full range of electric cars in 2011!!!! And still does!!!! Not just one luxury car like Tesla!! One of the best selling electric cars in the world is the Renault Zoe!! You know an actually affordable electric commuter car! The Kangoo Z.E is absolutely everywhere where I live!

But why does nobody speak of the Renault Z.E range? Because nobody actually cares about electric cars. People just care about non-sensical cool electric supercars for 40-yos lacking cool-factor.

Submitted August 02, 2020 at 05:31AM by RedBreton

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