Wednesday, 1 July 2020


Sorry about spelling mistakes So In Romanian at this point they are trying to ban gender studies from schools and make so transgender people pretty much have no rights So in school it's not going to though sexuality is what gender is they are not gonna talk about gender expression or sexuality only about heterosexuality and from what it says is that law will teach is that woman are good just for sex and making kids cleaning the house etc and that if a man rapped a woman that's ok "couse that's love" also kindergarten does that little girl like cars and football well that's not allowed couse girls can only play with Barbie and clothing you ask well shit you know who they dressed in 60s well take all the expressive or cool out of the clothes and that's what you got and you can't wear something that isn't gender specific to school. not even a shirt I think they're going to make girls have wear dresses also boys with hair that's not allowed trying to brainwash children in the old gender roles also your LGBTQ well you got no rights anymore. so going to go like this for 20 30 years the government controlling they're every move then boom they fake some terrorist attack or something similar to activate marshal law to use the army over throw democracy from within switch to socialism witch is communism it's going to spread like the disease to neighbouring country's get all Forign companies and industry's and in a big show of power they going to take all Forign cars ,classics, sports, supercars, muscle, luxury cars and destroy them all In those 20 30 year will train people in school to work in factory's so when the fully industrialize with government run company's also they are going switch to the old currency here is where the states come in 3 or 4 years later Greece is almost completely cut all contacts with other countries boreders closed no one comes in on the last democratic countries in Europe things are really bad for Greece reasurces are running very low so they going to make a deal with the USA wich makes Greece A US colony the American make Greece. they're European base after that it fades away and it gets a little weird the states spend a lot of money in war and prices drop to like 1960s prices wages drop to be even after soldiers come back from the war they sports cars to celebrate but new cars to expensive to make so everyone goes back to making cars very similar to the ones in 60s and 70s also after a while everything goes to retro futerism the states are no more they become they become the United Commonwealths of America. Also Greece becomes a Commonwealth and they change to dollars, impirial units gas was as cheap as in the UCA pretty much the same rights as in America with some differences and a lot of cars and other products were imported from America to Greece also they cut all contacts with neighboring countries and they could travel to the other American Commonwealths whenever they wanted and The United Commonwealths of America became the most advanced, intellectual self expressive country and more open minded then any other country and that's were it ends if I get any other dreams or visions I'll update this thank you for reading.

Submitted July 02, 2020 at 07:03AM by Voyager102
via Blogger
July 02, 2020 at 07:27AM

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