Monday 29 April 2019


I'm looking for an old Top Gear episode, that I only remember the beginning of. It had at least a segment (if not the whole program) on Supercars. It wasn't the one with old old Top Gear with Tiff Nedell (this one ), it was "new" top gear, but very early, IIRC, possibly before James May joined. I'd guess about 2000-2006, roughly..

Clarkson started off the segment on supercars by showing models.. (of the female variety), saying "this.. is a model". And then introducing a supermodel saying "this is a supermodel". .. much like the cars.. and then going on to talk about the difference between sports cars and supercars, and what makes a supercar.

Anyone remember anything more about that episode? (Also if could conceivably have been an episode of Clarkson's car years). I just want to see that clip again! It wouldn't surprise me to see the BBC have buried it, as it was one of his most gloriously anti-PC statements that would be banned today.

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 11:42AM by abananaa1

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