Sunday, 31 March 2019


As the title says, I got kicked because I went idle for a couple of rounds.

I'm the host, I started the missions, these level 200+ guys join and they have these ridiculous vehicles that can spawn in as your personal vehicle! All I get is my shitty supercar. Where's my buzzard? Why can't I call it? Why do they get these Sci fi vehicles and I can't call my damn chopper?

So, in light of this we go through about 5-6 games and I'm just driving to target, find out they already killed them, and I drive away again. Or I get a 3 star before I've even arrived and just lose the cops and we're done.

So on I think "you know what, I'm pretty hungry. I'll make some lunch" now normally I'd quit and go make lunch. But since I'm doing literally nothing on these missions anyway, I just thought I'd go idle. They won't even notice.

1st game, fine. 2nd game, I get kicked right after they've killed the target. I get sent a message that says they're just carrying me. Of course you're carrying me! I physically can't get there quick enough to contribute!!

I'm noticing this problem with a lot of games. If someone joins with a Deluxo or an Oppressor. You may as well not get in your car. They'll have the mission over with before you arrive. This is awesome for you without these vehicles! But c'mon, if I'm not able to contribute anyway why kick me for idling??

We need an unspoken agreement that if you join one of these missions with one of these vehicles, you're basically doing the mission yourself. So don't cry about it and just do it. It saves us players who don't have untold millions lying around and don't buy shark cards left and right from just playing driving simulator for however long we're grinding.

Submitted March 31, 2019 at 06:42PM by AmpdVodka

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