Tuesday 15 January 2019


First, apologies if this has been discussed before but I haven't seen anything here

I was under the impression, perhaps wrongly, that if a player didn't get/have all of the no longer available Motorsport cars or Motorsport series open, then these would be removed from the players game so as not to be part of the players garage total and completion percentage, respectively. This didn't happen in V7 as I was hoping and having downloaded and tried V7.0.5, it still unfortunately appears to be the case.

For example in my case, I am missing all 2015 Nascars and have completion percentages of 100%, 89%, 89% and 100% in the other Nascar series but my overall Nascar completion percentage is only 76%, because Nascar Season 2015 is being considered in total being calculated, I presume.

Also, my garage is now 230/246. Ignoring the 4 new cars just released and not yet won/earned, each of the individual manufacturers is at 100% but the overall is showing 230 of 246. This deficit also excludes 12 cars, 9 Nascars and 3 Supercars, I never won or bought largely due to when I started playing.

My question is: Is this the intended behaviour or will it be changed in some future release?

For me as a goal minded person, if completing these goals is no longer possible it might influence my decision on how much longer I will continue playing. I sincerely hope this will be changed to allow me and I suspect many others, including people playing the game for the first time, to have the ability to achieve these goals.

Submitted January 15, 2019 at 03:13AM by SlatBH http://bit.ly/2TQ32ap

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