Thursday 31 January 2019


These guys are making immense moves at EVERY segment of cars. SUV? Check. Regular sedan? Check. High performance supercar? Check. Electric vehicle? Check (with another to come out soon). Coupe-like SUV that isn't an exact coupe-SUV (this is a good thing)? Check. Coolest turn signals? Check (this one was for fun).

They implement great technologies alongside subtle yet attractive styling. The quality of their cars is also something to speak about. They last longer than Mercedes and would say are slightly more reliable than BMW. They have great material choices and really do make sure you choose their car over other luxury competitors. Their cars are already on top and are only getting better.

The only thing I dont like about Audi realistically is their interior (personal opinion). The a5 looks like a knock-off BMW that they copied but switched the button layout so they can actually differentiate themselves, buttons are in the strangest places and is a real mishmash in there.

Disclaimer: Mercedes is my proper favorite brand but I gotta hand it out to Audi. They're really making moves out here and if there's any car manufacturer that deserves your money you shouldn't look any further than Audi.

Submitted January 31, 2019 at 11:57PM by lemon-by-the-foot
via Blogger
February 01, 2019 at 12:50AM

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