Monday 31 December 2018


Without all that hype that surrounds him his companies would be considered mediocre. He just does the things normal people like us would dream of doing if we were as rich as he is.

SpaceX is just a hyped up company. Jeff Bezos has launched a mission to explore other planets too but he doesn't get as much recognition as Musk. I may sound salty but think about it. Why have we got to try to explore another planet and toss out more space debris and burn tons of resources when we can't even look after our home planet properly.

Teslas are really not that special. Few fuel engine supercars accelerate to 62mph in 2.5s too. But tesla gets more recognition from the techies of YouTube and gets hyped up more because apparently hes "cool".

Falcon test launch was just a test launch. Which is why he put a car in it. He didn't do something miraculous. His car is just like a satelite. Doesn't deserve the publicity it got.

Submitted December 31, 2018 at 05:21PM by sabskrmn

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