Monday, 4 June 2018


My housemate is getting a PS4 and I've been grinding a bunker on his account without his knowing and hope to have everything he needs to get himself set up to make mad stacks. I need to make sure he enjoys it from the beginning so he sticks around and I have someone to play GTA with. :P

So far I have:

  • HE Apartment

  • Chumash Bunker (Upgraded)

  • Route 68 MC Clubhouse

  • Lombank Tower

  • Hangar (he's a pilot IRL: so, planes and helis are a big deal for him)

  • Elegy

Now, I'm thinking a vehicle warehouse will be the way to give him a good grindable solo money-making schemes but also I'm reaching my limit in terms of how much I can grind for an account that isn't my own.

So, some things I've been thinking about buying, but given he's around 2.9m atm, he won't get all of them.

  • A good supercar - thinking a Tempesta if we get that 10% off via the Life Invader coupon. He is a big fan of the Zentorno which he still drives every day on PS3 (and has for years). I see the Tempesta as a way of giving him more of what he likes. He's also test-driven my Tezeract on my account and went mental for it: so, I'm also considering the Tezeract for him since it's on sale right now. I'm only gonna get him one car... So, it's important it's one that'll make him happy.

  • Hangar workshop - mostly because it's the only way to upgrade/customise aircraft and right now it's 50% off. I wouldn't even consider such a luxury for him at full price.

  • I/E Warehouse - this is the big issue. I know my 2.8m IE warehouse is decently placed and I'll never need to move it, but I don't have 2.8m to drop on this alone and the double Bunker event is ending soon. What's the curve in terms of viability as the prices go down? I know there's little point in getting him the cheapest as it'll hamper his progress and he'll likely want to move it later anyway.

So... that's the core of it. Boils down to 3 questions.

  1. Which supercar?

  2. Hangar workshop? Y/N?

  3. Which I/E Warehouse?

Once he's set up, I'm sure he'll get grinding to buy the ultimate meme machine... you know... the Dump... but until then, the man needs a foundation: help me decide what that foundation is.

Submitted June 04, 2018 at 02:53PM by Elevas

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