Friday 1 June 2018


Like many of you here, I like cars. I like building my collection, and customizing them, and all that jazz. My buddy who I play online with the most also likes cars.

We have gotten to the point where we own most of the cars we want(still looking to add another classic to my collection, torn between Grotti and Karin) and now we spend a lot of time just going through the list of cars to find one added in the past that has flown under the radar with all the race cars and supercars

This has led us to discover some pretty great gems, including the Albany Alpha and the Hijak Khameleon. Both are solid cars, and the Albany has 4 bars of acceleration and top speed as stock. Best part? Both cars are under 200k. Alpha is $150,000 and Hijak is $100,000. Alpha floats like a Caddy, and the Hijak has an awesome hybrid engine sound.

So I'm wondering what other reasonably-priced cars you've bought/discovered. We don't need to spend millions on cars when there's these gems that are underappreciated

Submitted June 01, 2018 at 09:35PM by PM_ASS_PICS

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