Sunday, 1 April 2018


The rules:

  • Pick fourteen actual Wrestlemania matches to make up your supercard.

  • A wrestler can’t appear in more than one match, unless the matches occurred at the same Wrestlemania.

  • You can’t use a championship more than once - including championships which share a lineage according to their pages on / Wikipedia.

  • You can use a maximum of two ‘main event’ titles, two tag team titles and two women’s titles. Championships which don’t fall into any of these categories can be used as you wish.

  • Your main event must have main evented its Wrestlemania - and you can’t use any other main events on your supercars.

  • Likewise, your opener must have opened its Wrestlemania, and you can’t use any other openers.

Outside of those rules, build the card on whatever criteria you want - where you want to go purely on match quality, would rather try to get as many titles on the card as possible, or want to get all of the major stars from WWE’s history on the card.

Have fun!

Submitted April 01, 2018 at 05:30PM by GeorgeTheMark

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