Wednesday 21 March 2018


Q: How does this trophy limit works?

A: When a player hits the 400 trophy cap he’s not able to contribute trophies to his gang any longer until he got promoted in championship.


Q: When this limitation kicks in?

A: It kicks in when a player starts to compete at the same championship round for the second time.


Q: Does it mean that when I get promoted to a new championship amount of trophies I can contribute to my gang is not limited?

A: Yes.


Q: So my ability to contribute is not limited for 2 days after I got promoted, and in case I got stuck I still able to donate 400 trophies to my gang. Did I get it right?

A: Absolutely.


Q: When I hit the cap of 400 trophies, what can I do in order to contribute more?

A: You’ll have to promote in the championship to a new stage. Promotion removes the cap and you’re able to contribute unlimited trophies during the next 2 days again.


Q: Does this cap differ from stage to stage?

A: No, it’s the same for every stage in a championship.


Q: What about stage 24? Is there a trophy limit too?

A: Yes. The only exclusion is the stage 24 of the last prestige (currently it’s 40). There’s no trophy limit. However it will be there again when we add more prestige levels.


Q: But why do you limit trophy contribution to gangs from their members?

A: Because of campers in championships. These guys usually have 5-10 times more damage and health than a stage average. And they don’t promote intentionally.


Q: So what? Why you punish me, not them?

A: 99% of players play without camping. They’d like to promote in championship faster, but they can’t do that because they face campers all the time. Game pace slows down, newcomers and even vets got bored and quit. Or they become campers themselves because it's an effective way to farm trophies.


Q: But how’s that camper problem in championship mode connected with the trophy limit in gang fights?

A: The most part of campers camp in order to build super strong cars that they use in gang fights in order to win 10 of 10 fights and contribute maximum possible amount of trophies.


Q: So you decided to punish all the player base because of that 1% of people, right?

A: No, the majority of players (99% and more) won’t even notice it, because they contribute less than 100 trophies daily. It means that they’ve got 6 days (3 championship rounds) or even longer to play like they got used to without hitting the cap.


Q: However what if they contribute 250-275 and they’re not campers? You will ruin their game!

A: When they able to contribute that much it means that they car is too strong. It’s not a problem, if it moves from stage to stage. It becomes a problem when a car like this starts to camp.


Q: But if I’m not a camper and I got used to contribute 275 trophies daily, I will be punished for nothing! My gang leader will kick me! is it fair?

A: If you contribute 275 trophies each day and move through the stages it means that you’re not affected by the cap.


Q: But if I want to stay on a championship stage a bit longer in order to become stronger, I will be punished by the trophy cap, right?

A: No, if you car is weak or even medium, it will take a lot of efforts to contribute even 50 trophies per day. It means that you can play at each championship stage for 10 days without any discomfort. And probability that you’ll get promoted during 5 rounds to the next stage is high.


Q: So you’re telling us that if my cars are weak, I can’t hit the cap and thus there’s no limitations for me, because my camping won’t be a problem for other players in championship. At the same time if I’m a strong player and my cars are super good, I will make through stages without any problems and will be able to contribute as much as I want. Is that correct?

A: Absolutely.


Q: However in case I decide to stop on a certain stage with the supercar in order to farm gang fights with win rate 8-10 fights of 10 it will be pointless because the trophy limit will cut my contribution pretty soon, right?

A: Exactly.


Q: However if everything you wrote is right, why does this limit hurt me pretty hard?

A: That’s maybe because you’re a camper.


Q: Ha-ha, I’m! But I won’t update to 2.8.1 and will be fine!

A: Well, this restriction is set on the server side. If you don’t update, you won’t see how much you’re able to contribute.

Submitted March 21, 2018 at 07:16PM by Chervey
via Blogger
March 21, 2018 at 07:43PM

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