Thursday 1 February 2018


Alright so i’m just going to be straight up over here (probably not going to get any responses from this) but what the hell.

So i really do think i’m made to be forever alone because from now i have never been with anyone (yes no joke & i know shocking) i really think it is me i think it’s just how i’m suppose to be, i keep thinking things will change but they really don’t it’s always the same for me & think it will be the same even if i try on this sub.

So anyway what i’m looking for is someone to connect with of course (aren’t we all) & hoping maybe i can find that certain someone that you have a reason to smile/be happy etc (preferably 18-24) if you got brown eyes you get bonus points, so basically i have a skin condition (something that can’t be spread though it is genuinly not contagious so there’s nothing to worry about honestly), i tend to keep myself occupied (to focus off of me being alone & that) but in my spare time i like to listen to music, watch tv shows or movies, workout (been slacking but should get back into training again), would love to visit & see different countries, try out archery with crossbows (since i own one myself), love cars (coupes, supercars, American muscle etc) & the classic American muscle ones, i use to game but my console broke & i just never bothered getting the new ones, like Marvel/DC heroes, i have no pet or pets (sucks), am a non smoker/drug user, wish i could skateboard, would like to snowboard, probably more to know if you’d like to that is.

As for appearance i’m: 5’8ft (173cm), dark hair, brown eyes (like chocolate brown), guess slim built body, skin tone like Vin Diesel, not to brag but i did get told i “look good” & have also heard & been told cute even (but i just don’t see it).

So if i sound interesting to anyone then please don’t be afraid to get in touch i’d love to chat & see how things can maybe go, i’d prefer someone close which is why i chose UK or Europe (if you’re not too far from UK, i’m in London) & mainly because of time reasons, if you choose to message i also have kik/Skype & discord so we could talk on any of those if you got any of them just let me know.

Hope maybe to hear from anyone.

Submitted February 02, 2018 at 03:27AM by Triple90X

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