Wednesday 30 December 2020


First I would like to say that I love this game, it's a ton of fun and despite the signs of a rushed release I have to say after having played almost practically every mainstream title that I have had the most fun in a single player experience playing Cyberpunk 2077.

Second I want to say to those who haven't fully finished it yet, don't get your hopes too high for a much more complicated RPG dynamic where your choices make major changes in the game, despite this it is the most complicated example I have seen for an action title so far.

So lets get to it

  1. Don't rush and up your challenge- Try to complete the main missions and side missions from both calls and exploring while doing a healthy amount of gigs and objectives on the way. If you do this, with considerable attention to detail you should have no problem enjoying the game's content at a good pace playing at the highest difficulty, and even the game suggests pushing your limits in a message titled "Cyberpunk 2020" at the start. Personally I drive practically everywhere exploring things on my way to objectives or points of interests for some time before going off and doing a mission.
  2. Which brings us to #2, the part of the game I enjoy almost as much as combat. Driving. Now eventually you'll figure out how to snag nice cars like a rayfield without throwing away all your eddies, and driving one of those four wheel drive all terrain supercars or hypercars in third person is the easiest way to get around for sure, but I almost never do this or drive those cars.Always drive in FIRST person as it makes the game world feel as massive as it is, rather than focusing you on staring at the model of your vehicle missing the scenery. Third person is great for maneuvering at first but it really ruins the immersion. Learn to floor it as much as possible in a rear wheel drive car, personally I only drive Quadras, for that skilled Edgerunner aesthetic. Take turns fast and USE SPACEBAR. Also pay attention to the different models, they all have details about them that make Edgerunning in NC feel way different. And always try to avoid damaging your ride's paint.
  3. Work around the bugs and save often. Yeah it sucks, I honestly haven't had any problems I would complain about yet given the circumstances.
  4. Try building a character around reflex and staying away from slower mechanics like stealth and netrunning, when I first got into the game, without doing any kind of research before hand or ruining my experience with expectations from the media I dove in head first with little knowledge. As soon as I started I decided to devote myself first to the Blade tree and leveled Reflex up, later forgoing Cool for Strength and finally Tech. At the point I stumbled on the Satori, the game was a mess of flying limbs and swords, I prefer it way more than the Mantis Blades actually though I have hardly spent anytime with a weapon besides the Five O and Satori
  5. Just be a badass, ask yourself what you really think V should be like to get the most out of his experiences.

Anyways thanks for reading my low effort list guys

Submitted December 31, 2020 at 09:13AM by Syrian_Roo
via Blogger
December 31, 2020 at 09:57AM

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