Wednesday 1 August 2018


I was playing some GTA O the other day and was just driving my new car and noticed a business battle. Then I also noticed somebody else driving a standard car and doing the business battle. He ended up getting the cargo and it turned into a car chase.

You heard me right. A car chase in GTA Online in 2018. Where you actually had to maintain driving, land shots properly, or avoid shots.

Didn’t take long for some wanker in a deluxo to swoop in, destroy both of us, take the cargo, and book it.

And this is something that I genuinely miss about GTA Online, where the only things that mattered in a car were bulletproof tires and speed. Where vehicle combat is using guns to disable the car, not missiles to destroy it. Being blown to shit completely ruins your fun because you know for damn sure you’re not catching up to that deluxo or oppressor, even if you got one.

And sure, there were things like tanks, buzzards, hydras, and kurumas, but they were (mostly) all Pegasus vehicles so they couldn’t just be spawned in 5 meters away.

Submitted August 01, 2018 at 12:33PM by Kaleo5

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