Thursday 6 January 2022


Submitted January 07, 2022 at 10:17AM by FriendlyCho1976


I genuinely had this on my mind and need to ask who else thinks we are the Mary Sues of the gta series?

We own so many businesses and properties from simple stuff to nightclubs, arcades, auto shops (about all of which are fronts for crime really) to stuff like government facilities, bunkers, and submarines alongside fleets of supercars and weaponized air and ground vehicles.

Plus it feels like everyone overly compliments us to some degree sometimes and we instantly become best friends with whatever character is involved in the intro cutscenes for a new property you buy despite barely knowing them beforehand.

Feels like we are Mr or Ms. perfect. Like we are some sort of ultimate being to basically fan fiction degree. Anyone else feel this way?

Submitted January 07, 2022 at 09:42AM by Bellpow


Submitted January 07, 2022 at 08:05AM by Daira_behrer_1988


No text found

Submitted January 07, 2022 at 08:06AM by blast-wave


  1. Bugatti La Voiture Noire

After seeing these pictures of luxury sports cars you will definitely want to have them in your garage. The Bugatti La Voiture Noire is one of the most expensive cars produced by Bugatti. In accordance with the meaning of its name, namely "The Black Car", this luxury sports car has a striking design.

For those of you who are curious about the price, La Voiture Noire is known to be priced at £11 million (around Rp. 222 billion). The entire body is black and handcrafted with carbon fiber, without the dramatic curves of a hypercar. This car uses a W16 quad-turbo 8.0 L power train with 1,479 hp.

  1. Pagani Zonda HP Barchetta

One of the supercars originating from Italy with a price of around Rp. 257 billion, namely the Pagani Zonda HP Barchetta. Not only luxury, this car is also fairly rare. Zonda only produces three units of this car worldwide!

From the engine side, don't take it lightly. The Pagani Zonda HP Barchetta has a capable engine performance with a Mercedes-AMG V12 engine with a capacity of 7.3 L with a six-speed transmission so that it produces a maximum power of 760 hp.

  1. Lamborghini Veneno Roadster

Who is not tempted after seeing this luxury sports car? The Lamborghini Veneno Roadster is one of the most expensive sports cars in the world. What is special is not only the specifications, but also the limited number of units.

There are only nine Lamborghini Veneno Roadsters in the world so they are the target of collectors. For specifications, this car is equipped with a V12 engine with a capacity of 6.5L so that it produces a maximum power of 750 hp with acceleration from 0 to 100 km / h in just 2.9 seconds. With a price of around Rp. 74.6 billion, this car can reach 355 km/hour.


Submitted January 07, 2022 at 07:30AM by AlamsyahArfian


Before I begin, let me state that this is not financial advice. Before investing capital, everyone should always do their own research.

This is a detailed analysis, so if you don't like to read too much you can check out the major marketing initiatives and tokenomics at the bottom, but you'd be missing out on a bunch of awesome information.

# The Meme Craze.

Meme coins have gained massive popularity this year and have been in circulation for some time.They have garnered huge attention since the Gamestop saga in January, where Reddit chat room traders drove up the share price of the US video game seller Gamestop.

People are tossing tons of money into stocks or random coins not because they believe there’s something significantly different about the underlying value of the asset, but because it became popular somewhere on the internet and they think it's funny or somewhat cool. They buy into hype generated on platforms like Reddit, Twitter and TikTok without even questioning or taking measures to validate the claims the project made. Crypto is likely the epitome of all of this, as well as all of the chaos and perplexity that comes with it.

Due to this high amount of projects being released on a daily basis, it's nearly impossible to keep the overview in terms of qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Over the past months, we've seen many sad and unfortunate events happen in the meme cryptoverse. Epic pump and dumps, monumental scam coins, rug pulls. Nevertheless, there was, is and always will be hope on the horizon.

But like a gold rush, the noise-to-signal ratio is very high and it's difficult to make the right investment decisions for yourself that let you fall asleep with a lasting feeling of confidence and security.

For me, Dogedi is one of those projects.

Born on November 27, 2021, it has set its sights on becoming more than just another beta in the midst of the massive flood of new projects and meme tokens. It combines security, simplicity, cutting-edge tokenomics (hyperdeflationary, strategic buybacks, rewards, tokenburns) NFT, metaverse, charity and much more.

# What is Dogedi?

Dogedi is the first token inspired by the Star Wars universe. The idea is undoubtedly a winning one to stand out among the many coins that are born every day. In fact, the idea of taking the iconic Doge and making him a Jedi master will certainly not go unnoticed. The graphic impact of the entire project is studied in detail and captivating, hard to ignore.

Dogedi is the first project to introduce the original Everrise buyback mechanism + Tiki BNB autoclaim rewards system in the cryptocurrency space. In addition to these, it also includes periodic tokenburns that will increase the value of the token over the time.

The buyback function exchanges liquidity from the reserve liquidity pool for Dogedi tokens in the main liquidity pool. These tokens are automatically sent to the burn wallet. This adds value to the liquidity pool of the token, and permanently constricts supply.

Billions of tokens will be burned and removed forever from the circulating supply. As all of these tokens will be bought from the market, sold and destroyed forever, this will create a true supply constriction which makes Dogedi hyper-deflationary. 4% on buy or 7% on sell transactions is taken and redistributed to all holders with a minimum of 200 billion tokens every hour.

As you see, Dogedi have put together a solid string of wins to position themselves among the leading projects in this space.

# Who’s the Team behind Dogedi?

The Dev team of Dogedi is 100% doxed and have run through KYC with SolidProof, a top notch certification company under the European laws and regulations. This means that SolidProof has all the required documents, physical addresses, passports and any other forms of ID in regards to the Devs of the Project.

On top of that SolidProof monitors all activities within the team wallets 24/7 and would immediately report to authorities the very first second any willingly harm to the project is detected.

The Team currently consists of 12 people, all professionals in their areas of expertise (development, graphics, illustrators, SEO, videomakers, etc.), and all are responsible for successful launches in the past. At the moment for obvious security reasons their data have not been disclosed (but it is not excluded that they will do so in the future) but they are regularly deposited with Solidproof for certification, and this protects them from any scam attempts.

The smart contract of Dogedi was audited twice(!) already.

Links to certifications:

**SolidProof KYC Certificate:**


**TechRate Audit:**


**RateTech Audit:**


**Certik Audit:**

(in the works)

**Project Manager of Dogedi:**

(make sure to check the project experience)


# Tokenomics:

**Token Type:** `BEP20`

**DOGEDI Contract Address:** `0xdc49d53330317cbc6924fa53042e0c9bca0a8d63`

**Overall (Circulating) Supply:** `890 trillion`

`(110T have been burned already)`

**Current Market Cap:** `~5 million`

**Current Holders:** `~ 11.5k`

**BUY FEE 15%**




**SELL FEES: 20%**





# Drivers of Value:

**1st Driver of Value:**

`The BNB Reward System, Tokenburns and the Autoboost function (Deathstar)`


Holders are additionally “auto-staked” instantly receiving 4% or 7% (depending on buy or sell fees) of the transaction volume in BNB rewards via autoclaim, all you have to do is hodl.

To be eligible for getting rewards, you need a minimum of 200B of Dogedi tokens held in your wallet.

Holders can watch their wallet grow in real-time via the dashboard:



The autoboost / buyback function, also called Deathstar, is funded by a strategic buyback fee of 6%.

Tokens collected are converted into BNB and securely locked and stored in the Dogedi contract and also called strategic reserves.

When the Death Star gets activated, tokens will be bought from the open market and immediately burned afterwards. This creates a true burn, which means that the real value is exchanged for the tokens that are sent to the burn wallet.

**2nd Driver of Value:**

`Bankerdoge Staking Integration of Dogedi`

BankerDoge is a DeFi as a Service platform designed to add features such as staking, time-locking and DeFi lending to any BSC token.

Their vaults support modern tokenomics like reflection and dual token rewards.

BankerDoge comes with the support of experienced and advanced individuals who are fully doxed. They are aiming to expand their footprint by building this new project that actually works together with their first.

The core team, based in the United States, are all college graduates who have worked with major corporations like DELL, HP, Disney, Wells Fargo and more.

As of January 15, 2022 anyone who holds 50b+ Dogedi can use Bankerdoge's staking vault to earn rewards. Furthermore, those who have more than 200 billion DOGEDI can continue to receive rewards even with staking! For a double reward ...the rewards of staking will be directly in BUSD.

Link: [`\`\]([](

**3rd Driver of Value:**

`The NFT Card Game and Metaverse Integration`

The technical department is working on a series of implementations related to the world of NFTs. This will ensure that their NFT marketplace will soon have full integration into a Dogedi Card Game.

The team has not yet provided full details, but there will soon be a trailer that will cover the card game which should reveal more information. The only things that, for now, are known, are that it will be integrated into the new Facebook Metaverse (marketplace for cards but also battles between players in virtual arenas with VR) and that it will be an NFT collectible card game, with which the collectors can challenge each other and which will have different levels of power and skill depending on when the card is purchased. Of course it will be possible to buy the cards only with Dogedi.

**4th Driver of Value**

`The Charity Program`

In addition to the card game project, Dogedi will also deal with charity. As animal lovers, their team plans a series of initiatives in which the community will actively participate (with surveys and other activities) to support associations that deal with saving and relocating abandoned animals, which as we know during the Covid-19 epidemic are increased exponentially.

**5th Driver of Value**

`The Starwars Universe`

Star Wars fans are not a niche group.

They’re actually a highly diverse audience, making up 1 in 4 internet users worldwide.

Passionate about a variety of topics, Star Wars fans utilize online spaces to discuss their interests.

In fact, Star Wars fans are 36% higher likelihood to tweet a question about a brand, company or product.

Their support is not only important for generating interest among others. Brands like Dogedi will benefit from these fans’ loyal behavior, as 2 in 3 say once they find a brand they like, they are likely to stick with it. The prosperity and the joy of communities flourish when values such as solidarity, education, creativity, love of work and cooperation, exist in harmony within them.

By understanding this audience’s motivations and desires, brands can ensure they don’t land on their dark side.

After all, they’re certainly a force to be reckoned with.

# A Rapidly Growing Market

Cryptocurrencies are a rapidly growing market segment. The whole industry is only in its infancy and constantly evolving. Mainstream companies across industries have taken interest, and in some cases themselves invested in crypto and blockchain tech lately.

Firms like Fidelity, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and BlackRock have announced or expanded their digital asset efforts in recent months, this growth in institutional interest makes it likelier that a round of big institutional money will be entering the cryptocurrency space in the months to come. Each of these new participants will be designing exchanges, products, dApps and solutions to adapt to the needs of the new challenges.

Whether you like it or not, it will build up confidence in the crypto space for a broader mass of people, and it will open the water tap and let in a flood of new users and investors.

# When Lambo?

You've most probably heard about this phrase somewhere before, a question that often appears in conversations about cryptocurrencies. It simply means: ‘when are we going to get rich?’ Because of the increasing value of crypto coins many people earned a lot of money. It is therefore tempting to buy cryptocurrencies because it seems so easy.

But the team of Dogedi even goes one step further and get serious about this phrase.

They have just announced a triple giveaway, where you can actually win three awesome cars.

  1. **Lamborghini Aventador**

  2. **Bmw i8**

  3. **Tesla Model S.**

All the wallets that have bought and not sold at least 50b of DOGEDI from 20 December onwards, can be part of the giveaway.

How awesome is that?

***Giveaway Details:*** [`\`\]([](

***Video of the cars:*** [`\_4xHVgnU-o\`\]([\_4xHVgnU-o](

# What Else?

The team recently shared some more exciting things they have got in the pipeline for the coming weeks.

* ***Planning a giveaway with the amount of missing Dogedi tokens as a prize to get to the minimum necessary to activate the rewards in bnb***

* ***Renewal of banners on poocoin, dextools and over ten other platforms***

* ***Chinese platforms banners CNToken + YYDS coin / Renewal of banners***

* ***Billboard in times square and space x***

* ***Exchange listings***

* ***NFT first show reel***

* ***Big influencers on board***

OK, enough for now. DYOR, check the info and articles available online, check their Telegram, Twitter and other social networks, sleep on it for one night and make your own decision.

Submitted January 07, 2022 at 05:34AM by Much_Doge_Much_Wow


Submitted January 07, 2022 at 04:24AM by spiritustenebrosus